Welcome back. This week is Episode 11 of Renovation Reality, hosted by Atlanta real estate expert Collette McDonald. Last week, windows were added and vents and HVAC duct work were completed. Plumbers and waterproofers also had been on site. After a field trip to a stone yard, the owners agreed to let viewers decide between quartz and marble.
In this week’s installation, we find Collette in a bathtub, one of this week’s additions to the project. While it isn’t finished, the master bathroom is starting to take shape and is starting to offer a vision of how things will look when completed.
Like Bob Dylan in the 1960s, the renovation is going electric. The electricians are on site and viewers can still vote on fixtures.
The intricacy of electrical work is noted and Collette suggests that you work with your electrician to make sure that the final product meets your needs. The renovations also can include phone and HDMI outlets or electrical outlets that are hidden in cabinets. Each step should be planned out in advance with your electrician.
In the dining area, a 5-by-10 floating butcher block island will be located in the center. A popping light fixture will be needed to really set off the room. While they have settled on a chandelier, there are two options for viewers to vote on, one more rustic and another more luxurious.
Now in Week 11, it can seem like the project is dragging on. While the finish date is still uncertain, there still is a lot of progress being made. Closing your eyes and imagining the finished project can be fun!
Be sure to check out this week’s Renovation Reality video and find out how you can vote for a chandelier lighting fixture. Watch the video through to the very end of this week’s episode so you don’t miss out on any details or how to vote.