Make your sales presentation your opportunity to shine by knowing and, more importantly, believing in it. By believing in it, you will own that sales presentation and you will take center stage with it.

Your sales presentation is your vision of the story you are telling your client. And the story you are telling is about how you of all people, you of all agents, how you specifically can help them execute their real estate goal.

Of course, your story is based upon your collections of relevant/insightful housing market facts/statistics/data but know that you are the main event…your collections of stats, facts and data are the props you will use at your discretion and in your own opportune timing to best tell your story…your vision.

Once you’ve thoroughly researched and pulled together your collections of data/facts/stats, think about how you want to utilize those collections.

1. What emotions do you want to trigger in your client?
2. How do you want to influence your client?
3. How will you move while you’re talking?
4. How will your facial expressions and gestures maximize your words?
5. What actions would you like your client to take after hearing and seeing your sales presentation?

Just as an actor rehearses before opening night, rehearse your sales presentation umpteen thousand times. You want and need to know every line, every nuance, every detail so you are able to get to the bottom line point of your presentation in five seconds. Yes, five seconds.

Get to the bottom line point of your presentation in 5 seconds by using clear, active voice language ( Use “I base my marketing strategy on…” NOT “My marketing strategy is based on…”) and by dropping canned speeches and communications crutches such as “hopefully” or “we’ll see.”

Tap into these clues:

1. Be specific with your facts collections and your emotive stories. Your specifics will give you a direct line to your client’s heartstrings.
2. Be economical. Cut anything that doesn’t have a purpose. It’s what gets cut that matters, not what gets added.
3. Use an image or two, no more, to illustrate your main point. An image will wake up your client and then that image will tell them subconsciously to look at you again. Know that people only remember 10% of what they hear three days later but that people remember 65% of what they see three days later.
4. Speak in threes…three parallel words, three parallel phrases and/or three parallel clauses. People can’t remember more than three things at a time. Speaking in three’s forces you to choose the most important things/reasons and cut the rest. Speaking in three’s teaches your client to see your words as a vision worth following.
5. Know when to talk and when to listen by dialing in to your client’s cues.
6. A little humor goes a long way.

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