Unlock the Secret: How to Get Called Back Without the Stalker Vibe (Part 2)

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6. Let Them Know When You’ll Follow Up

    • When you call or email a prospect, let them know exactly when you’ll follow up and stick to it. This shows that you’re a planner, reliable, and transparent. However, if someone is intent on ignoring you, they’re unlikely to become a buyer anyway.

7. Make a Personal Connection

    • Prospects prefer working with people who make them comfortable. Personalized communication often performs better. This is where social media can help. Spend 10 minutes reviewing their social media so you can get to know them a bit better. If all of their posts are about their kids, they’re probably motivated by a smooth transition with their move, perhaps more space and a better backyard. If they’re posting only about how stressed out they are, you might communicate differently as well. Know your audience and adjust accordingly.

      HUGE Announcement: You will love this! Looking for the full outline from today’s presentation? Our DAILY Newsletter featured lead generation systems, real estate scripts, daily success plans and (YES) the notes or today’s show. Best part? The newsletter is free! https://harrisrealestatedaily.com/

8. Use Humor

    • Using humor can be a great way to make a prospect more willing to respond, provided it’s done effectively. Whether it’s a playful twist in your emails or a bit of comedy in your calls, humor can differentiate you from other salespeople. Remember, humor should be harmless or self-deprecating—never make fun of the prospect.
    • Sample of Using Humor in Follow-Up Calls: When following up with a prospect, you might say something like, “Hi [Prospect’s Name], it’s [Your Name] again. I promise I’m not stalking you; I’m just making sure you know I’m here to [answer their questions/schedule an appointment/etc.]. If you’re just super swamped, I understand. Send me a quick emoji so I know you’re okay!”

9. Mix it Up

    • When all else fails, take some risks. This could mean making an unannounced visit, sending a handwritten note with a gift, or trying something dramatic in an email or call. The worst thing you can do is not make every effort to get your prospect’s attention, especially if they are a perfect fit for your business. Always stay respectful and within legal boundaries.

10. Know the Average Number of Contacts It Takes. Don’t Give Up So Fast!

    • It often takes multiple contacts to get a response from a prospect. According to research by InsideSales.com, it takes an average of 8 contact attempts to reach a prospect. Understanding this can help set realistic expectations and encourage persistence. Be prepared to follow up consistently while varying your approach to increase the likelihood of making a connection.

If, after following all 10 strategies, you STILL don’t have a response, it’s time to just say ‘NEXT!’ Your prospect simply doesn’t need your help at this time. You probably need to be making more attempted contact AND have more people TO contact. Two things can be true at once!

For more help with this and everything else in your real estate life, join Premier Coaching today!

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