Podcast: Are YOU Experiencing These Failure Triggering Warning Signs? |Tim and...

When you listen to today’s podcast featuring Tim and Julie Harris you will learn what the most common early warning signs are that if...

Podcast: The No-BS Stages To Building Massive Wealth (Part 3)

Building wealth is more than just making good commissions: you need a strategy to generate & retain that money, and you need to a...

Do Rich Agents Know Something That You Don’t?

Your mindset determines your success in real estate, so today we're discussing if you've going through life with the mindset of a rich, successful agent who accomplishes goals and overcomes challenges!

Your Daily Minimum Standards For Superstar Success

What do the superstars do differently? One key difference is superstar agents have daily minimum standards that they adhere to strictly

How To Earn Full Time Income Working ‘Part Time’ – Part...

Part 2: Rules to earn full-time income on a part-time schedule. Hint: following the plan you are about to hear doesn't require buying leads...

Critical Market Facts Every Agent MUST Know

The market's recovering, but there's still a lot of volatility still. There's a lot going on right now in real estate, so today we're discussing the reality of today's market, and what it means to your business!

Podcast: 12 Signs You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset (Part 3)

How would you describe a successful entrepreneur?  How many of those traits do you embody and how many of those traits can you adopt? ...

Podcast: 12 Signs You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset (Part 4)

How would you describe a successful entrepreneur?  How many of those traits do you embody and how many of those traits can you adopt? ...

10 Things Rich People Know That You Don’t (Part 2)

When we think about being rich, its often only about the material opportunities that being rich provides. But what about the character traits we can learn from the wealthy? Do you have what it takes to be wealthy and wise?

Is Time-Management A Myth?

How effectively do you manage your time - and is it possible to manage it more effectively? Is poor time-management really costing you money?...

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