Key Highlights:
- Yesterdays now past tense and no longer applies
- Team Diva in Seattle at Coldwell Banker Bane is ready to go and offers its suggestions to help you move forward
Team Dive with Coldwell Banker Bain in Seattle has been prepping for the end of the economic recovery for a while now. They’d cut their costs, reviewed their online presence and hired a coach to help revamp their mind game. BUT, no amount of prepping prepared them for this pandemic reality.
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Here some areas that Team Diva suggests for you and your teams:
- It is CRITICAL to keep your mindset in good shape!
- Do something that brings you into a positive frame of mind – meditate, exercise, practice gratitude and affirmations.
- Surround yourselves with people who have positive perspectives.
- Take care of yourself financially.
- Stop spending on extra, non-essential things.
- Know how and on what you are spending.
- Work remotely.
- Use Zoom to communicate with your team regularly so you all know what is happening ALL THE TIME.
- Schedule group lunches so you’re not eating alone.
- Make sure that anything the public might touch is completely sanitized.
- Send electronic copies of your listings, buyers/sellers packets and all other items your team needs.
- Make sure you ask new prospects the specifics about their health.
- New processes to follow new clients and listings.
- Team Diva is only listing vacant houses as the team believes it’s too dangerous to have strangers come into a house with people living in it.
- Meet your prospects virtually first, if at all possible.
- Use Zoom or FaceTime for walk throughs
- Send your pre-listing packet via email or Zoom in its shared documents section.
- If your prospects want to see the house in real time, meet them there, don’t drive them in your care
- Accept earnest money via wire transfers, not personal checks.
- Carry, distribute and use anti-bacterial wipes on everything all the time.
- Existing listings marketing changes.
- Only show the listing to for-sure buyers. This is not a time for hobbyists. Make sure they are pre-approved.
- Laminate listing fliers and staple them to a signpost.
- Check whether or not the prospect has an agent. If yes, ask their agent to show the home. If not, make sure to ask health questions.
- Increase digital marketing and advertising like Google/Facebook.
- Maximize you virtual open houses. Invite people on your business page, invite them via email, invite them via
- Prospecting ideas.
- Host a Zoom cocktail hour with your favorite clients…just a few at a time so everyone feels special.
- Share gift certificates from your favorite local businesses with your clients. Everyone will remember your generosity and thoughtfulness.
- Follow you business plan
- Social media content
- Public health updates.
- Where to get takeout.
- How to do virtual yoga.
- Activity lists for family members of all ages.
- Laughing and smiling are always welcome so create some great Instagram shots to share with your team members and clients.
And, remember, be kind to each other.
Thanks to Chavi M Hohm with Team Diva at Coldwell Banker Bain and InmanNews.
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