Must Know Safety Strategies for Smart, Savvy Agents

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Seventeen Safety Strategies for Smart, Savvy Agents…

Since it’s Realtor Safety Month, we want to help you to stay safe!

You face significant risks when meeting new clients, holding open houses, or showing properties. In several tragic cases, real estate agents have been victims of violence while doing their jobs. For example, Beverly Carter, a prominent agent from Arkansas, was kidnapped and murdered in 2014 while showing a property. Her death, along with other high-profile cases such as the unsolved murder of Ashley Okland, has led to greater awareness of the dangers Realtors face.

These tragic events have sparked changes in how real estate professionals approach safety, emphasizing the importance of never working alone and prioritizing personal security.

In honor of Realtor Safety Month, it’s crucial to revisit critical safety practices to protect yourself and your colleagues in the field. Here are 17 essential safety tips to keep in mind.

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Top 17 Most Useful Safety Points for Realtors

1. Never Hold an Open House Alone

  • Always have someone with you—whether it’s another agent, a lender, or a colleague.
  • Follow the open house plan discussed in Premier Coaching: You and a partner should door-knock the neighborhood before the open house to generate traffic and build rapport. That same partner can work the open house with you—meeting people at the door with a sign-in app while you remain inside to answer questions and engage potential buyers.

2. Meet New Clients in Public Places First

  • Schedule your first meeting with potential buyers in a public setting, such as your office, a coffee shop, or a neutral meeting room. Avoid meeting at the listing right away.

3. Trust Your Gut Instincts

  • If something feels off, don’t ignore your instincts. Always be prepared to leave an uncomfortable situation immediately.
  • Don’t Show Homes After Dark or in Unfamiliar Areas: Avoid showing properties at night, and make sure you know the neighborhood before taking clients there. Do your homework on both the property and its surroundings to minimize risk.

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4. Practice Situational Awareness

  • Always be mindful of your surroundings and assess potential risks.
  • For example, when you arrive at a property for a showing, take a moment to observe the area. Are there people loitering nearby? Is the street well-lit? Are there any strange cars parked that weren’t there before? Practicing situational awareness means being alert to anything that seems unusual or out of place and adjusting your actions. It’s okay to leave immediately or call for backup if something feels off.

5. Carry a Personal Safety Device

  • Use devices like personal alarms, pepper spray, or smart jewelry that can alert authorities in case of an emergency. For example, put a tag on your car keys.
  • Resources for Choosing the Right Device:
      • SafeWise: Offers reviews and comparisons of personal safety devices.
      • Consumer Reports: Provides tested reviews on personal safety devices.
      • The Prepared: Detailed advice and recommendations on personal safety devices.
  • Concealed Carry Laws Resource: Visit for information on state-by-state concealed carry law.

6. Use a Safety App

  • Safety apps provide real-time tracking, alerts, and emergency communication. Recommended apps:
  • Forewarn: Background checks using a client’s phone number.
  • Real Safe Agent: Allows real-time tracking and emergency alerts.
  • bSafe: Shares your location and triggers an SOS alarm.

7. Tell Someone Where You’re Going

  • Always inform a colleague, family member, or friend about your location, who you’re meeting, and when you plan to return.

8. Establish an Office Code Word for Emergencies and Another for Family to Know

  • Have a code word or phrase that discreetly signals danger, such as “the red file,” to alert your office or family without tipping off the person you’re with.

9. Don’t Advertise Listings as Vacant

  • Avoid highlighting that a property is vacant in your marketing, as it can attract unwanted visitors.

10. Keep Your Phone Charged

  • Ensure your phone is fully charged before showings or open houses, and keep it easily accessible.

11. Park on the Street, Not in the Driveway

  • Parking on the street gives you a quick exit if necessary, preventing anyone from blocking your car.

12. Lock Your Car at Showings

  • Ensure your car is locked to prevent someone from hiding inside while you’re distracted.

13. Screen Your Clients Before Meeting

  • Require photo IDs and prequalify clients over the phone before meeting them in person to filter out potential risks.

14. Don’t Show Homes After Dark

  • Limit your showings and open houses to daylight hours to reduce risks associated with poor visibility and isolation.

15. Require Open House Visitors to Sign In

  • Always have visitors sign in with their full name and contact details to keep track of everyone on the property.
  • Recommended Open House Sign-In Apps:
      • Spacio: A mobile sign-in app that collects visitor information digitally, helping agents track and follow up with leads efficiently.
      • Curb Hero is a free open house app with customizable sign-in forms that make capturing lead data quick and professional.
      • Open Home Pro: Allows agents to easily collect visitor information and provides follow-up tools, making it a top choice for agents looking to streamline their open house process.

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16. Control Your Personal Information

  • Be mindful of what personal details you share in your marketing materials. Avoid listing your home address or personal phone number.

17. Take a Self-Defense Class

  • Regularly practice self-defense techniques so you’re prepared to react if the need arises. Stay current on training.
  • Resource for Finding a Class: Visit ClassPass or Yelp to find local self-defense classes near you.

This introduction highlights the real estate industry’s tragic losses and ongoing risks, underscoring the need for heightened safety measures during Realtor Safety Month. Agents can better protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations by staying informed and vigilant.

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