As real estate agents, you’re use to helping people get INTO homes?  But what do you do when natural disasters force family, friends, past clients and current ones OUT of their homes?  In the days and weeks afterwards, continuing to generate business can seem impossible — and even insensitive with so much destruction!  But it doesn’t have to be.

No matter what you’re dealing with; hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms or a crushing blow of layoffs, we have 8 tips for you on how to keep moving ahead.  Don’t let the physical or emotional devastation lead to the downfall of your business too.

Too often, people stand by the sidelines waiting for a leader to appear.  But we want to teach YOU how to become the leader that your community needs in times of trouble.  Why wait to be rescued when you can help your neighbors and solidify your place in your neighborhood and town as person who can be trusted to take action and help move things forward.

If you don’t learn to become a leader in times of distress, the effect on your mindset will be detrimental to your business, causing paralysis, fear, and a sense of helplessness that can linger long after the devastation is cleaned up.  Instead of a mindset of lack and loss, you can choose a mindset of service and leadership.  Rather than hiding inside your home (assuming its safe to be there) or sitting around amongst the ashes, you can proactively call and connect with your past clients, centers of influence and neighbors to let them know that you’re there for them.

On todays show we’ll tell you how you can be the LEADER in your community and continue to be of service, as a resource to help your neighbors and friends rebuild their lives, as you continue to build your business.

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