“Sweet dreams,” parents tell their children as they go off to bed at night.  “Keep a dream diary by your bed so you remember them,”  others advise.  And “dream BIG as long as you’re dreaming.”

No wonder dreams have become over fantasized.  All of these colloquial phrases about dreams emphasize the positive aspects…the fame, the fortune, the recognition from others that might be involved if our dreams come true…the very bright sides of believing and hoping for positive results.

But what about the action part of dreams…the time, effort, persistence, learning, practicing, the obstacles such as family pressures, lack of financial support, rejection involved in making dreams actually happen.  Just ask Elon Musk about how it was for him before Tesla and SpaceX and Solar City.

Making dreams come true is tough going.  The action part involves tremendous self motivation and the willingness to suffer hardships and unavoidable roadblocks, frustrations and disappointments.  But, if you really do want to make your dreams come true, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1.  Choose the one dream among all your dreams that fits your personality and talents the best and then, stick to that one dream. The time and effort involved in flitting around from one dream to another are wasted time and effort. Remember our philosophy of FOCUS? Follow One Course Until Successful.
  2. 90% of the work to make your dream real will be hard.  You’ve got to be willing to do the work, that don’t want to do when, when you don’t want to to do it – at the highest level possible.
  3. Be willing to commit 100% of your time and energy to realizing your one dream.
  4. You’ve got to give up things such as nonessential extras and leisure time to make your dream a reality.
  5. Know in the core of your being that your dream does and will excite and engage you.
  6. Know that you have what it takes to make your dream a reality.  Having what it takes to make your dream a reality means analyzing what you do best and what you enjoy the most.
  7. Consider the benefits that making your dream a reality will offer other people.

After you’ve analyzed your talents/skills/interests in terms of your do-ability, chosen your dream to persevere, and begun the work to make your dream come true, likely you’ll wonder if you made a mistake.  Just know that its part of the process and see it through so that you’ll never have to endure the regret of wondering ‘what if?’

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