No question about it…social media has and will continue to change every aspect of our lives.  Just think about it…Facebook has more people who use Facebook (2 billion) than those who don’t use it.

In case you’ve not already tapped into social media platforms for the possibilities of user connections and information sharing for your real estate business, take a look at the numbers game of users on a monthly basis as put together by the firm, Tech Crunch, a Canadian real estate marketing company:  Facebook – +2B users world wide and forecast to grow into the 2020’s; YouTube – 1.5B; Instagram – 700M; Twitter – 328M; WhatsApp – 1.2B; Snapchats 255M; FacebookMessenger – 1.2B; WeChat – 889M.  Remember that each platform attracts different users and each has its own benefits.  Also remember that users want to be contacted with important information by email.

Here is a list of just a few of the platforms and how/when to use them:

Twitter – Twitter’s great for sharing links to websites, digital listings and images.  If you can get a trending tweet for a real estate listing in a specific area for a specific demographic (e.g.. family, 4 bedroom home), excellent.  Twitter’s also great for expanding your list of followers so you can send new/special opportunities and listings to new people.

Facebook – This is the most dominant platform of all and is anticipated to grow into the 2020’s.  The possibilities with FB (listings, photos, narratives, market info, etc.) are endless as are their tutorials for how-to’s and tips.  You are more likely to generate new leads with FB than any other platform.

Instagram – Sellers and property owners use Instagram to showcase photos of their gorgeous listings.  Remember to use popular hashtags for listings within you account for the biggest bang.  Also check out Hyperlapse and Boomerang features for even more beautiful, creative image possibilities.

Pinterest – Here are some stats on its 1.75M monthly users – 50% earn +$50,000/year; 10% earn +$125,000/year; 81% are women; median age is 40.  Obviously, family home images/listings have great potential on this site.

LinkedIn – Make sure you have both a personal profile and a company page on this site.  This site is for growing your network and for establishing/sharing your expertise by publishing an article of value (pre-approval tips, seasonal preps for home maintenance, how to see beyond home viewings).  Do NOT post listings here.  LI is invaluable for growing your network.  Consider joining LI groups such as National Association of REALTORS, Real Estate Professionals Group, Real Estate Professional Referral Group.  Be helpful and recommend others on their sites.  What goes around comes around.


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