Like it or not, lead generation is the name of the game in real estate. The more contacts you make, the more money you earn.

One sure-fire way to imbed lead generation into both your mindset and your business is to time block your lead generation time every day. Time blocking enables you to block out distractions while generating leads…every day.

Time block two hours every day for lead generation. I can hear the groans coming out of your mouths as you read that sentence. Funny thing, top producing agents, the agents you say you want to become, time block 3 – 4 hours daily for lead generation.

Here’s a time blocking for lead generation game plan that just may turn you into one of those top producing agents:

  1. Make certain that your colleagues, staff and family members know your schedule. Respect and enforce your schedule and everyone else will do the same once they know you really mean it.
  2. Make sure your time block schedule is realistic and accomplishable.
  3. Make sure your time block schedule has a start time and an end time and keep to it…every day.
  4. If another appointment comes up during your time block schedule, reschedule it on that day. Do not just blow it off or forget about it or justify in your own mind that one missed day won’t really matter. Each and every day matters.
  5. Control your interruptions.
    1. Turn off your email alert messages.
    2. Put your phone on a “Do Not Disturb” mode.
    3. Close your door if you have a door to close.
    4. Put a note on the door or your desk or wherever you work that reminds people to not disturb you.
  6. Have an accountability partner.
    1. Keep an accountability journal in which your write down the date, the number of contacts you initiated, the number of prospects you created, etc. on a daily basis.
    2. Communicate with your accountability partner and/or your coach the number of contacts you initiated, the number of prospects you created, the number of prospects you transformed into clients, etc. on a daily basis.
  7. Take a 10-minute break every hour to walk around, regroup and re-energize yourself.
  8. Begin again.

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