According to Trulia, there are 838 $1M+ neighborhoods in the US as of October 2018. Of those 838 neighborhoods, 105 of them are new this year to this home price level. California has 29% of these neighborhoods with a median home price of at least $1M. The states of New York, Florida and Washington follow in California’s $M footsteps in that order.
Though 82.8% of all $1M neighborhoods are in CA, NY, FL or WA, Colorado ranked 5th with 27 neighborhoods being $1M neighborhoods. Most of those $1M neighborhoods are in the Boulder area of Colorado…9.4% of Boulder neighborhoods became $1M neighborhoods this year.
Take a look at this chart to see the percentages of $M neighborhoods among the top 10 metros nationwide.
Metro % of $M neighborhoods %change/year
- San Jose 70.0% 14.3%
- San Francisco 81.0% 13.7%
- Oakland 30.7% 5.8%
- Honolulu 19.8% 3.6%
- Orange County 20.2% 3.0%
- Los Angeles 19.6% 2.1%
- San Diego 13.8% 2.0%
- Seattle 13.3% 1.9%
- Ventura County 10.5% 1.6%
- Long Island 10.1% 1.3%
Not surprisingly, San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland have the highest proportion of $1M homes/neighborhoods and saw the three largest increases of those neighborhoods during this past year.
Austin’s Barton Creek neighborhood was the first neighborhood this year to cross into this $1M territory. Barton Creek’s median home price jumped from $935,000 in 2017 to $1.02M in 2018. Five of Nashville’s 567 neighborhoods are $1M neighborhoods and 2 of those 5 crossed over this year. Washington DC has 16 $M neighborhoods, 5 of which crossed this threshold in this last year. Baltimore, just one hour north of Washington DC, has no $M neighborhoods as of October 2018.
The neighborhood of Aspinwall Hill in Brookline MA was one of 10 local areas that helped this Boston suburb cross the $1M threshold. Indianapolis’s Crows Nest neighborhood jumped 9.1% this year from $977,000 in 2017 to $1.07M in 2018. Providence’s Lily-Almy Pond neighborhood in Rhode Island jumped from $843,000 in 2017 to $1.15M in 2018.
Neighborhoods that are likely comers to the $1M level in 2019 include Fort Lauderdale’s Birch Park Finger Streets, Renton’s (Seattle) Stonegate neighborhood and Sandy Springs’ (Atlanta) Cherokee Park.