Fear of Prospecting? Time to Hang Up on That Excuse!

Welcome back to America’s #1 Daily Podcast,  featuring America’s #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join Tim and Julie Harris?  Visit: https://whylibertas.com/harris or text Tim directly at 512-758-0206.

IMPORTANT: Join #1 Real Estate Coaches Tim and Julie Harris’s Premier Coaching now for FREE. Included is a DAILY Coaching Session with a HARRIS Certified Coach. Proven and tested lead generation, systems, and scripts designed for this market. Instant FREE Access Now: YES, Enroll Me NOW In Premier Coaching https://premiercoaching.com

On today’s podcast, we will tackle one of the biggest challenges for real estate agents—overcoming the fear of prospecting and initiating conversations with people, whether acquaintances or complete strangers. We’ll provide practical tips and mindset strategies to help agents become fearless and confident in their real estate interactions.

  1. Understand That Fear is Normal
  • Recognize that it’s normal to feel fear around prospecting, especially when approaching new people. The key is to reframe fear as a sign of growth rather than a barrier.
  • Susan Jeffers wrote the book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway.  In it, she emphasizes that “Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness.” and that “Every time you take a step into the unknown, you experience fear. There’s no point in saying, ‘When I’m no longer afraid, then I’ll do it.’ You’ll be waiting for a very long time.”

HUGE Announcement: You will love this! Looking for the full outline from today’s presentation? Our DAILY Newsletter featured lead generation systems, real estate scripts, daily success plans and (YES) the notes or today’s show. Best part? The newsletter is free! https://harrisrealestatedaily.com/

  1. Shift Focus from Yourself to Service
  • Stop worrying about how you’re being perceived, and focus on how you can serve others. When you lead with value, the pressure of selling diminishes, and conversations flow naturally.
  • You sell real estate for a living. Find people who need your help doing that.
  1. Scripts are Your Best Friend
  • Using proven scripts can help eliminate the fear of not knowing what to say. Scripts provide structure, allowing you to focus on the connection rather than scrambling for words.
  • Scripts are simply conversation outlines made up of questions, which lead you to discover how to serve the person you’re speaking to. Sometimes, they need your help, and sometimes, they don’t. It’s that simple.
  1. Embrace Rejection as Part of the Process
  • Understand that rejection is inevitable and part of the process. Don’t fear it—instead, see it as a step toward finding the right clients.
  • It’s not no forever, it’s just no for now.  It takes a certain number of no’s to get to the yes.  If you’re not speaking with enough people, you’ll never discover the YES’s.
  1. Start with People You Know
  • Begin your prospecting with familiar faces. Reaching out to your sphere of influence is less intimidating and a great way to build confidence before tackling cold leads.
  • Leverage your sphere. These people already know, love, and trust you!
  1. Practice Makes Permanent
  • The more you practice prospecting, the easier and more natural it becomes. Set a goal for daily prospecting sessions, and track your progress to stay accountable.
  • Jeb Blount, the author of ‘Fanatical Prospecting,’ puts it this way: “The number one reason for failure in sales is an empty pipeline, and the root cause of an empty pipeline is the failure to consistently prospect.”

Ready to become an EXPIRED Listing Agent? As promised, here is the discount link for the EXPIRED LISTING LEADS: https://www.redx.com/affiliate/tim-and-julie-harris/?aff_code=670699

  1. Prepare for Common Objections
  • Anticipating and preparing for common objections helps reduce anxiety. When you know how to handle objections confidently, conversations flow more smoothly.
  • Write down the objections you’re hearing and work on handling them with your Harris Certified Coach.  Record some of your sessions and listen to your calls. What could you do differently? What works really well for you? You’ll only get better with practice!
  1. Focus on Building Relationships, Not Selling
  • Shift your mindset from “selling” to “relationship building.” Focus on creating connections, and the real estate conversations will naturally follow.
  • How can you be of service? How can you help someone buy, sell or invest? Who else do they know who could use your help?
  1. Set Realistic Prospecting Goals
  • Start small and gradually increase your prospecting efforts. Setting achievable goals helps build confidence and momentum without overwhelming you.
  • Break your prospecting into manageable goals. At first, consistency is more important than volume. Start with five contacts per day: a conversation with a decision-making adult about real estate.
  1. Celebrate Small Wins
  • Don’t wait for the big sales to celebrate. Recognize every conversation, lead, and connection as a step forward in your business.
  • How many of your current clients originated in conversations a month ago, six months ago, or longer? Your work today is the success you’ll have tomorrow, next month, and next year.

REAL ESTATE LEADS, LEADS and more LEADS: Question: What is Tim and Julie Harris’s favorite PROBATE LEAD PROVIDER? Simple, https://alltheleads.com/harris

By implementing these strategies, you’ll transform your approach to prospecting and confidently handle conversations with people you know and those you don’t. Remember, fear is temporary, but growth from overcoming it lasts a lifetime.

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