Content is the lifeblood of your multi-channel real estate marketing efforts. Content that shows (not tells), content that fosters trust, content that demonstrates your expertise is content that will burnish your reputation into your clients’ minds.
Demand Metric, a marketing research firm, tells us that 82% of people feel more positive about a company and/or a real estate agent after reading that company’s/agent’s custom content. The Aberdeen Group, a channel content marketing company, tells us that conversion rates, clickers to clients, are six times (6X) higher for agents with custom content than for agents who simply advertise their services. And Kapost/Eloqua tells us that content marketing generates 3X more leads/dollars and costs 31-41% less than a paid search.
Engaging, local content that informs and educates your prospects by speaking to all aspects of their lives is the goal here. Strategically tying together compatible marketing efforts and platforms (websites, blogs, emails, social media, email, direct mail) and integrating them all into one engine is definitely more powerful than the sum of its parts.
Engaging, local content ideas can be
- Housing market updates
- Local selling strategies
- Local event calendars
- Area specific home maintenance tips
- Tax levies and issues
- Housing developments and construction projects
- City Council updates
- Community spotlights and local hot spots
- Charity directories
- Local amenities and activities
This list can go on and on. Content establishes connections with sellers, buyers and prospects alike before they even decide to list their property or look for an agent. Content builds awareness and awareness generates decisions.

According to the Content Marketing Association, the following social media platforms are the most effective in building B2C (Business to Customer) relationships:
- Content – Facebook – 66%
- Videos – U Tube – 53%
- Content – Twitter – 53%
- Retail – Instagram – 42% (great for open houses and listings)
- Content – Linked In – 39%
So…create your content…
- Post it to your blog with video (it’s worth producing 1 video/month)
- Post the link to you blog on social media to drive your prospects to the blog
- Your site traffic and SEO will increase
- Your prospects will associate you with content
- Your content will build prospect awareness of you and trust in you.
- Submit a profile of you and your business to every free site (Google, Zillow, Realtor, Trulia) with your name, address, phone number, website address and encourage reviews.
- Write an ebook about your specialty (relocation expert, first time buyers, etc.), publish it on your website, link it to Facebook, send a link to your email list
- Keep you emails short and then add a link that says “Read More” that takes your readers to your blog.
Your multi-channel content marketing shows your clients that you care, that you have expertise and that you’re ready to assist them.
I know this sounds and looks like a lot. It is. And…it’s worth it.