Its a hard sad truth that most small businesses won't survive this market crash. Never in the history of our country has the economy fallen so fast all the while unemployment gone up even faster. We are in historic...
As if the Corona Virus pandemic wasn't bad enough, there is another even worse 'pandemic' attacking us now. A global depression. On today's show Tim and Julie Harris tell you exactly what you should be doing now to not...
On today's show Tim and Julie Harris read discuss the real estate related top news stories. Are we in a recession...or a depression? What happens next for the economy and housing? How long will the world be in 'lock...
Your urgent attention is required. Learn now how to apply for the SBA Disaster Relief Fund, The SBA PPP, Unemployment and Mortgage Forbearances. Protect your self now from the economic ice age that may be coming for our economy....
The big question on everyones mind now, the big question that must be there going to be a V shaped recovery or will home values fall off a cliff. In todays show Tim and Julie share with you...
Listen now as Tim and Julie Harris give you the exact details on the JUST released 2+ TRILLION dollar relief package that are geared towards YOU...the small business owner. Listen now and get ready to take immediate action. The...
Listen as Tim and Julie Harris, America's #1 Real Estate Coaches shares the exact info you must have now regarding the new government small business bailout programs. YES, this is what you have been looking for. Learn now about...
Join Tim and Julie Harris as they discuss what the world will look and feel like after the pandemic. Will their be a economic depression that crashes the housing markets? Will there be MORE brokerages completely going out of...
Agents (and every small business owner) listen now to learn about all the newly created programs from the government designed to give you and your business a lifeline. Listen now as Tim and Julie tell you how to receive...
All your questions answered about the new SBA Paycheck Protection Program. YES, REAL ESTATE agents qualify for this program. Listen now as Tim and Julie Harris give you the exact details of this program, how to apply. Apply NOW...

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