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With the advent of technology in the industry, the real estate yard sign is often seen as an outdated marketing method. Does anybody really call or choose an agent from a yard sign these days? Fact: Your real estate sign is a ‘moment of truth’…neighbors, agents, buyers and seller prospects are making a snap judgment on YOU based on how your sign looks! With that in mind, don’t take your sign for granted! Turn it into a mini-spoke on your lead generation wheel. We have 10 ways you can dress you sign for success and turn it into a lead generating machine!
First, let’s get back to understanding the power of the sign! Its normal to think of the real estate sign as one of those ‘have to’ items thats just a part of the process. But, shift your mindset and realize that the sign is actually a mini-billboard full of lead generation opportunities when outfitted correctly.
That’s where most agents go wrong and end up thinking that the sign is useless to them, often in favor of more tech-savvy options like buying leads, Facebook ads and expensive drip campaigns. Since the sign is here to stay, let’s talk about how to get it working for you!
If you want to turn you sign into a lead generating machine you have to focus on its design elements. What’s on your sign? Does it have too much information or too many phone numbers? Is it distracting in its appearance and difficult to read? If so, you’re losing leads you should be capturing.
Make a few changes and watch how many more leads end up contacting YOU instead of another agent. That’s when what we like to call, ‘furiously fast lead followup’ takes over! You’re going to have to be fast if you want to see results. Today we talk through the first 4 points of our 10 point system on how to HOT-ROD your sign for lead capturing success!