One of our favorite topics to talk about with our loyal listeners is mindset.  But, not how you’re normally used to hearing about it.  For us, mindset isn’t about sitting around in yoga pants all day visualizing or manifesting, but in taking real action to make the goals and dreams we wrote down, a reality.  For so many agents, the thought about what it will take to make all those goals come to pass is really painful.  Why is that?  After two decades of coaching, we’ve found that the gap between where you are now and where you need to go in order to have the lifestyle you’ve imagined is not as big and cumbersome as you think.

We’ve been talking about mindset and how the type of mindset you have – one of scarcity or abundance – determines whether or not you’ll reach your goals.  Many people carry a scarcity mindset and don’t even realize it.  They fall back on excuses like education, upbringing, background, physical attributes, where they live etc. as reasons why someone else achieves and they don’t.

But the mindset you really want to have to succeed is one of abundance.

When you have a mindset of abundance, you know in every area of life that there’s enough for everybody; enough money, enough opportunity, enough love, enough friendship and more. People who have an abundance mindset have an outlook that is more positive, both inwardly and outwardly.

Now that we know what abundance looks like, how can we practically put ourselves in that mindset daily? Todays podcast focuses on some simple rules to staying in abundance:

  1. Keep a gratitude journal. No matter what happens each day, write down at least three things you’re grateful for.
  2. Keep yourself in the mindset of giving versus what you’re here to get. This one can be tricky…be sure to listen to todays podcast to learn all about this!
  3. Make certain to associate with roses, not roaches.  Sounds simple enough, right?
  4. Control what goes into your mind, body and your wallet. What does your diet have to do with this?
  5. Control your environment. Time to get out the trash bags…!

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