Think of your real estate website as your “Welcome Wagon”…your way to invite and welcome your local neighborhood, your community, your area, your state, your country into your real estate business. Just as you invite and make welcome people into your home, make your website a place your visitors want to come, want to stay and want to return again and again.

Your real estate website is more than just an inventory of your listings. It is an inventory of your services, your information, your expertise, your point of view and how ALL of that relates to them.

Here are some tips (in no particular order) to consider that may help your Welcome Wagon become the hottest wagon around.

  1. Post a blog on DIY tips in your area. Maximize exposure of the blog by putting a few key words on your Face Book page.
  2. Partner with favorite vendors in your area and link each other on your respective resources pages.
  3. Partner with neighborhood associations and share links on your respective sites.
  4. Upload reviews of local attractions.
  5. Write posts for visitors/tourists about local attractions.
  6. Add testimonials
  7. Ask for comments on blog posts.
  8. Give away email addresses and contact information readily.
  9. Write “Top 10” lists about buying/selling/VRBOing/AirBNBing homes.
  10. Make sure all your Google stuff is up to date
  11. Partner with local businesses and give away prizes to people who sign-up for things.
  12. Web leads MUST be contacted ASAP!!!
  13. Be personal…be engaging.
  14. Be consistent – create a schedule to write/publish and do it!
  15. Have your face on every page – repetition matters!
  16. Keep site updated.
  17. Local and specific information win – when visitors feel like the article is written for them, it is.
  18. Be responsive immediately.
  19. Generate and post videos…beautiful ones.
  20. Fill any voids in local information.
  21. Create digital open houses.
  22. Create neighborhood overviews.
  23. Interview locals about why they love living here.
  24. Use UTube.
  25. Create/sponsor school/non-profit events.

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