You’ve got real estate questions? We’ve got answers! Wondering how to pick the best broker, whether you should join or form a team, or maybe even that big existential question of whether you should be in real estate in the first place? In today’s podcast, we’re going to drill down with practical, tactical answers to help move your career forward!

Why do agents say that buyers are liars?

  • no presentation, no expectations set, pop-tart agents. These agents don’t plan, and can’t deal with everything that goes into the sale. They then feel disappointed & blame buyers for things they should have been on top of.

How do I get my buyers to be loyal?

  • Provide stellar service, stay in contact with your past customers, and inspire trust & confidence!

How do I get my buyers to actually buy?

  • We’re going to discuss our top-secret 3-times out method for getting buyers the perfect home, and eliminating all the stress you’re likely to face during that process.

Do Open Houses actually work?

  • Yes! You have to know the insider secrets to making an open-house work, though. Once you master this, you can use open houses as a wonderful tool for selling homes as well as generating tons of new leads!

Can I create a business that’s ‘by referral only’?

  • Yes, for about 2 years, often less. Real Estate By Referral is a quick ticket to unemployment, which is why you want to have multiple spokes on your lead generation wheel!

What if real estate isn’t my ‘passion’?

  • Is work supposed to be your passion, or is it supposed to pay your bills? There are lots of things in life that you’re expected to achieve at a high level that you don’t have passion for. Real Estate might be one of those, and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be in the industry or you can’t be successful!


Tune in to today’s podcast as we cover these and many other critical questions you’ve asked us on a regular basis!

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