You love people, being your own boss, and the amazing income opportunities in real estate. So what comes next in your career? Our first class of coaches has already graduated, you can view their profiles here.


In today’s podcast, we’re going to discuss the exact reasons WHY you need to become a HARRIS Certified Coach® and how it helps take you to the next level in your career.


 You’ll be aligning yourself with Tim & Julie Harris® – a company with 20 years in the coaching business, and a well-established brand with a stellar reputation! Thousands of agents have participated in our programs, which means you’re starting with the best.

2) We have #1 real estate industry podcast, tracking for over 10 million downloads this year. That means more agents will know HARRIS, thus making your job easier.

3) You don’t have to sell coaching! As a matter of fact, we don’t want you to sell coaching. You will never have to ask for a credit card number or for any contracts to be signed. You generate the lead and we do the rest.

4) The math makes sense. It’s not hard to get in office events – you could call your broker today and tell them you want to present one of our canned presentations to your office. Use our email templates & flyers with the agents, along with our proven marketing materials. If you have 50 agents show up, half the room will want a Free Coaching Call, and on average half of those will enroll in our programs.

Here’s The Math:
Premier Coaching costs $3k
HARRIS Certified Coaches® get 70%
You would be paid $2100 (net $2,000)
If we sell only 12 of those you will earn 12/ $2k = $24,000!

So the next question is how many events can you do per month – easily 4, maybe far more! Also, for brokers, office managers & team leads – do you see how you could have your managers become HCCa and split the fees with them. Do you see how you could PAY for their cost to YOU from doing this?

5) Many of you are looking for “what’s next”. You want to stay in real estate, but the motivation to list and sell isn’t there like it used to be. Being a HARRIS Certified Coach® is the perfect way for you to use what you know and earn money…and still be in real estate.

6) You will belong to perhaps the most elite club in real estate. Being a coach is an honor. HARRIS Certified Coaches® will have an almost unfair advantage in their market places vs local non-certified coaches. Because there are no rules, laws or regulations around coaching folks who want to hire a coach will be attracted to you because you are certified. You aren’t just some agent who is trying to puff themselves up by calling themselves a coach. You will be the real deal.

7) Income spoke. Let’s be honest…would your life be better if you had another solid source of income? Of course, it would. That is what this is. In all reality, many of you could earn MORE doing this vs selling real estate. We suspect that this will become what many agents do as a way of retiring from selling re full time. KEEP your listing business…jettison the buyers.

8) Professionally…this is the height of your career. Being a HCCa will be what is seen as the peak of the summit for many of you. It’s the very thing that you have probably been looking for in RE. You will have the recognition, the feeling of accomplishment that comes from being a HCCa.

Let’s be honest, many of you haven’t created a plan B for yourselves if the economy goes to mush…or if you don’t (or can’t) sell real estate anymore…this is it.

9) This is a proven complete coaching system. You don’t have to create anything. It’s all done. You don’t even need a website. The cost of running YOUR coaching business will be almost nothing. Flyers, business cards…that’s about it.

10) I put this last, but it should have been first. I wanted to respect the fact that you are business people and not bring up anything overly emotional until the last point. In my professional life I have never (ever) done anything as emotionally (and spiritually) satisfying as being a coach.

Helping others accomplish their goals in life through a proven system has been one of the greatest blessings of our lives. How will you feel knowing that you didn’t just close a deal or list a house…but, you changed peoples loves.


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