Get ready for the prestige, recognition, and massive income opportunities that come with being a HARRIS Certified Coach® affiliate. Master your craft, help fellow agents increase their production, and demonstrate excellence to your prospects & clients with this exclusive certification. As a HARRIS Certified Coach® affiliate, you’ll learn how to effectively build your coaching business, grow your clientele, and build a profitable coaching business that helps expand your local network – backed by the proven, trusted formula for real estate coaching pioneered by Tim & Julie Harris.
HARRIS Certified Coach® Affiliate


Complete the general information section and an essay.

We will contact you if you meet our criterion to join the program.

Complete your program enrollment & pay certifications fees.

Complete 12-months of coaching with Julie Harris to become certified.
A Mark Of True Achievement In Real Estate
Demonstrate Your Expertise At The Highest Level. Being a HARRIS Certified Coach® is a badge of honor to show your colleagues & clients that you’ve risen above simply “being an agent” to achieve true excellence in your profession.
Build A Thriving Coaching Business. When you affiliate yourself with the Tim & Julie Harris® brand, you’ll be associating yourself with a proven, trusted real estate brand. In addition, we’ll train you to present to agents, give you all the tools & materials you need to build your business, provide you with lists of agents you can present to, and even do the selling for you!
You’ll Be Certified To: Coach, teach and speak to any individual, to any company, and to any organization, anywhere in the world, using the proven coaching techniques including Tim & Julie’s curriculum, products, and books. Receive Tim & Julie’s coaching manuals, speaking scripts, workbooks, presentations, and facilitator’s guides.

“I would have achieved so much more if I had just stopped stalling and hired a coach. The reality is that coaching has totally changed the direction of my life. It’s real, and tangible, and you can accomplish it. What I’m going to achieve this year alone would have easily taken me five years to achieve before I had a coach. I personally think you’re crazy if you don’t have a coach help you.”

Join The Ranks Of The Nation's Most Elite
Master The Art Of Real Estate Coaching. This advanced certification program contains 45+ years of influence and leadership know-how, that they ONLY teach to their certified Team Members – along with detailed, step-by-step training & presentation materials.
Work With Real Estate’s Top Professionals. Our HARRIS Certified Coaches® work closely with Tim & Julie Harris – and with each other. We provide a collaborative group environment to help our HCCa affiliates share best practices & support each other as they work to build their coaching businesses & expand their territories.
Coach Training. To deliver on the coaching/teaching training provided by Tim & Julie Harris, you’ll receive access to exclusive Harris Certified Coach® training with Julie Harris, along with full access to all our coaching & training materials. This includes personal and group coaching skills, How to teach each lesson in the coaching manuals, How to set your coaching fees, Training workbook guide to go along with the coach training videos.
Sales Training. In addition to coach training with Julie Harris, you’ll receive detailed, in-depth sales training on the multi-channel approach to sales pioneered by Tim & Julie Harris, including: Telephone/Email introduction skills, Cold calling skills, Networking skills, Obtaining referrals, Sales scripts, Client discovery sales questions, Closing skills.
Speaker Training. To deliver on the Tim & Julie Harris method of presenting, you’ll receive complete speaking scripts, keynotes and training documents. You’ll receive in-depth Presentation training, Technique training, How to set your speaking fees, Speaking event coordination and best practices, Training workbook guide to go along with the speaker training videos.
Marketing, Branding & Social Media: Learn how to effectively market yourself as a certified real estate coach & top-tier professional using our proven personal marketing & branding materials, specially designed to help you build dominance in your local market. This includes full access to our comprehensive, multi-module marketing system!

“I can honestly say that you were instrumental in what I achieved – it gets back to not re-inventing the wheel yourself. I benefited from your experience, and from your insight & accountability, and I don’t think we would have had the rapid ascension we did without your coaching. To any agents pondering this – you need to do coaching right away. I know it will pay off, it did for us!”

Frequently Asked Questions
HARRIS Certified Coach® affiliate
Everything you need for your own coaching business. As an affiliate, you have access to all the content and business systems we use. Including our customer service and sales staff.
Note: this is subject to change.
– HCCa’s will earn commissions/ fees from their sales. An affiliate is paid within 30 days of the client paying.
Example 1:
Premier Coaching (PC) currently costs $2995. If an Affiliate sells a PC they will receive 35% of the total amount (minus any lender servicing fees). 65% to HARRIS. In this case, the affiliate would earn approximately $348.25. Keep in mind that the lender’s fees will be reduced from the payouts. HARRIS provides all Premier Coaching services.
Example 2:
1:1 Coaching Programs – Premier VIP and Premier Plus coaching sales will be split. 70/30… 30% to HARRIS. In this case, the HARRIS Certified Coach affiliate will be providing the actual coaching services to a client they have sold (non-Harris lead). YOUR client, YOU will be their coach.
However, if a coaching client doesn’t want the affiliate to coach them in PC VIP, PC Plus OR the HCCa simply doesn’t want to coach directly; the payouts will revert to 70/30. 30% to the HCCa and 70% to HARRIS. In this case, HARRIS will provide the coaching directly.
Note: If the coaching client is using UGA or other 3rd party lenders revenue from the recurring/serviced payments, it will be shared based on the net amount after UGA fees.
Yes. If an affiliate uses our sales team to close their sale our NMC sales professional will be paid a commission. Commission rates TBD, but assume around $100.
Yes, as an affiliate you will be required attend 2 events per year. Events fees will be $500-1000. event schedule will be posted in the private HARRIS Certified Coach section within HARRIS Learning.
Yes, everything. As an affiliate, you have a limited license to use everything on HARRIS Learning.
From time to time we may send you a direct referral for a coaching client.
Yes. Part of becoming a HCCa is learning how to present HARRIS content to a live audience. We will also teach you how to present via webinars and podcasts.
6 months.
Yes, there will be 1 test
Yes, we know many of you are well versed with HARRIS content and could easily pass all the test.
From time to time there will be other classes required.
No. we have an established merchant services account that you can use.
Yes. They have an issue, they call HARRIS directly.
Yes. We will connect you with the E&O provider we use.
Sure, here ya go. View our affiliate agreement.
No. However we will show you how to set up Facebook Business pages and other free sites. You won’t need to invest hardly any money or time into a website.
Yes and a link back to your business page or website.
Ask your accountant.
Join The Nation's Most Elite Coaches Today
As a HARRIS Certified Coach® affiliate, you’ll be trained in the most effective form of coaching available, and you’ll be able to assist agents achieve higher success than they ever dreamed possible. That’s not all you’ll get, though!
Top-Tier Coaching Training: Learn to be a world class real estate coach with full access to all our coaching & training materials, tests, accountability tools, mindset techniques, & more. This is a turnkey coaching system that you can use
Branding: Use our brand, logos, ebooks, online store, and other Tim & Julie Harris® materials to immediately market yourself as a first class coach to prospective clients.
Sales Tools: Get access to our sales, financing & collections capabilities to leverage our high-performance sales channels to rapidly grow your business.
Program Length: The Harris Certified Coach® affiliate program is a 12 month program to attain certification, at which point you’ll be able to officially coach agents as a licensed affiliate of Tim & Julie Harris® Real Estate Coaching, along with the use of our name, logo, and branding materials. Ongoing enrollment is required to maintain your certification.
Training Requirements: 12-month program, weekly call, semi-private group calls, no one on one coaching, no guarantees of any clients, will be trained on product, will be trained on how to sell the product (create need, create urgency, etc).
Event Requirements: As a certified coach you will be required to attend at least 2 Tim & Julie Harris® training events per year to help represent our organization, and we may ask you to speak at those events on what being a certified coach means to you and how you’ve helped others in this capacity.
Testing Requirements: During your initial certification training enrollment, you will need to pass tests administered quarterly on our coaching & training materials to ensure that you are effectively learning & implementing our training materials.
Errors & Omissions Insurance: We recommend that each HARRIS Certified Coach® affiliate carry active E&O coverage to limit any potential liability that may arise from the performance of their duties.
Please note that as a certified coach, you are operating as an affiliate of Tim & Julie Harris®, and our organization is not liable for any claims or damages that you may incur.
Certification Pricing: Program cost for 1 year of affiliation costs $12,000 for full certification, with convenient payment options listed below:
- Pre-Paid: Pay your full certification tuition in advance at the beginning of the program.
- Monthly: Pay on a monthly basis with 12 payments of $1,000 each.
- Financed: Spread your certification payments over time with one of our convenient, no-hassle financing programs.
- Continued enrollment is required to maintain your active certification once you complete the program. Once you are certified, our staff will work with you on a maintenance-enrollment plan to ensure your certification does not lapse.
Collette McDonald Real Estate BrokerCollette & Associates, Re/Max Atlanta, GA
Brandon Jackson Regional PresidentHigh Garden Realty, Charlotte NC