Mustafa Abrasi, the president of Zolo Realty in Canada, posted an article on Inman News recently about ways to retain your clients in the increasingly competitive world of real estate.

In addition to the usual tried and true constants such as being honest, owning up to your mistakes and stretching your comfort zone, Abrasi offered agents the following tips to help maintain and even grow their respective client base:

  1. Structure your availability times. Of course your clients want you when they want you at their convenience BUT structuring your time will generate more certainty for everyone. Set out specific times when your clients can expect to talk with you. Let your client know the best times to reach you
  2. Ask about, listen to and understand your client’s needs.   The best way to learn your client’s needs is to ask them. Know your client’s expectations and communicate your expectations of her/him. Know how much and when the client wants you as their agent to do for them.
  3. Make sure your negotiating skills are finely tuned. Knowing how to negotiate effectively is the number one skill people want in an agent. Know that the best-negotiated transactions are give and take transactions, win-win transactions. Know that effective negotiation skills are essential to all aspects of the transaction from repairs, amenities, closing dates, price, etc.
  4. Follow through on all aspects of marketing the property.
  5. Pay attention to ALL details.
  6. In this age of Instagram, make sure that your listing photos are GREAT.
  7. Be realistic, positive, frank and thorough in all your dealings with your clients. NO one likes surprises in real estate transactions.
  8. Being ethical and demonstrating integrity are essential ingredients in upholding industry rules and regulations. No shortcuts and no deceit.
  9. Make sure that your clients’ interests are always top on your list of concers.
  10. Be available and visible throughout the length of the transaction regardless of how long the transaction takes. Make sure to take the time to update your client about the property. Put reminders in you calendar to connect with your client regularly. The more you’re able to put your client at ease, the better the client will feel about you and the services you provide. Remember that client referrals are your single best source of business. Clients can’t make referrals to you if/when you become invisible/unavailable to them.

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