Listing Presentation Disasters: 10 Blunders That Sink Your Sale

Welcome back to America’s #1 Daily Podcast,  featuring America’s #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join Tim and Julie Harris?  Visit: or text Tim directly at 512-758-0206.

IMPORTANT: Join #1 Real Estate Coaches Tim and Julie Harris’s Premier Coaching now for FREE. Included is a DAILY Coaching Session with a HARRIS Certified Coach. Proven and tested lead generation, systems, and scripts designed for this market. Instant FREE Access Now: YES, Enroll Me NOW In Premier Coaching

You’ve worked hard to secure your next listing appointment, whether from a referral, a hot open house lead, or a social media connection. Now, you’re prepared and ready to shine.
You’ve used your pre-qualification script, gathered the seller’s answers, and previewed the competition. You’ve rehearsed your objection handlers and are ready to handle any of their worries.

Your well-researched and beautifully prepared Comparable Market Analysis is ready for in-person presentation.

After all this preparation, don’t let avoidable mistakes cost you the listing. Follow this simple checklist to excel and walk away with a signed listing agreement, securing the seller’s confidence that you are the best choice to sell their home!

HUGE Announcement: You will love this! Looking for the full outline from today’s presentation? Our DAILY Newsletter featured lead generation systems, real estate scripts, daily success plans and (YES) the notes or today’s show. Best part? The newsletter is free!

1.  Show up on time: Being fashionably late doesn’t apply to real estate appointments. Arrive early to show you’re not just on time but ahead of the game! The saying is: Early is on time, on time is late, and if you’re late, you lose. Budget extra time every time, just to be safe. If you get there early, drive the neighborhood, observe other listings, see if there’s a FSBO, and have even more knowledge when you arrive!

2.  Parking prowess: Don’t play driveway dominos with the homeowner’s car. Park on the street, allowing them to come and go without a vehicular obstacle course.

3.  Strive for handshake harmony. Aim for a handshake that’s just right, akin to Goldilocks’ porridge. It should be neither too strong (avoid being a bone crusher) nor too weak (no limp fish impressions, please).

REAL ESTATE LEADS, LEADS and more LEADS: Question: What is Tim and Julie Harris’s favorite PROBATE LEAD PROVIDER? Simple,  

4.  House rules, no shoes: If you spot a shoe tray by the door, it’s a sign to slip off your kicks. Respect their floor etiquette. Don’t be the one who leaves a trail of mud or sand on their pristine travertine!

5.  Enthusiasm is infectious: Bring your A-game with energy and enthusiasm. When touring the home, be positive and complimentary. Maybe you don’t love wallpaper, but THEY do. Don’t lose the listing by being boring or critical. Leave that for the stager to tackle.

6.  Seating strategy: It’s the great debate—dining room or kitchen table? Should you sit at the head of the table or let someone else? Let them call the shots and take the seat that feels like home, sweet home, to them. Avoid the awkwardness and just ask where they usually sit! (Driver personalities, beware of this point!)

7.  Hospitality acceptance: When your prospective seller hands you water and cookies, say thank you and enjoy the treats! It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference in building rapport. Maybe they baked those cookies just for you!

8.  Gratitude is the attitude: Whether you clinch the listing or not, send a thank-you card. It’s like sprinkling gratitude confetti over your client’s day, and you may be the only one who’s that thoughtful. You’re competing from the moment you set the appointment to the time they sign the agreement.

9.  No politics, please. Keep the conversation neutral, like Switzerland. Avoid political minefields and keep the focus on real estate, not debates.

Ready to become an EXPIRED Listing Agent? As promised, here is the discount link for the EXPIRED LISTING LEADS:

10. Dress for success: Dress to impress, erring on the side of a tad nicer than your prospects. Striking the perfect balance between professional and approachable attire is key. Develop 3 or 4 ideal outfits that are your go-to presentation ensembles.

Turn the 10 points into your pre-appointment checklist. Print and read it before each listing appointment until your good habits are solidified and your appointment-to-listing taken ratio will be closer to 100%!

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