5 Listing Appointment Blunders and How to Avoid Them

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What should you avoid saying or doing on a Listing Presentation?  Whether you’re presenting to a good friend, a referral client, or a colder lead, there are some universal mistakes you must avoid if you want to take the listing. The good news is, that all of these things are easy to remember!

1.     Don’t arrive late.  Early is on time, on time is late and if you’re late, you’ll lose.  People have varying degrees of tolerance to an appointment showing up late, so err on the side of caution and always be early.  If you miscalculate and get there TOO early, use your time to drive the neighborhood and become even more familiar with the streets, amenities, parks, other homes for sale, and so forth.  It’s better than being late!

HUGE Announcement: You will love this! Looking for the full outline from today’s presentation? Our DAILY Newsletter featured lead generation systems, real estate scripts, daily success plans and (YES) the notes or today’s show. Best part? The newsletter is free! https://harrisrealestatedaily.com/

2.     Don’t park in their driveway.  You’re either parking someone in or taking someone’s spot.  If their teenager has to drive to soccer practice and you’re blocking them from leaving, then your appointment mojo will be messed up with an awkward interruption.  Park in the street.

3.     Avoid discussing Politics.  Politics aren’t relevant to the sale of the home, and no matter what you say, you have a 50/50 shot of being in contention.  This also goes for your social media.  Don’t invite conflict!

4.     Don’t make the appointment all about you.  Always make it all about them, their needs, motivation, time frame, and priorities.  Don’t talk about how busy you are, about a deal you’re trying to save, inspection and financing drama, or how you’re going to be out of town for two weeks.  They don’t care about any of that. They care about your ability to solve their real estate needs.

Ready to become an EXPIRED Listing Agent? As promised, here is the discount link for the EXPIRED LISTING LEADS: https://www.redx.com/affiliate/tim-and-julie-harris/?aff_code=670699 

5.     Don’t forget to ask for the business.  The definition of ‘close’ is the logical ending to a great presentation.  Assuming you did a great job presenting, closing is easy, conflict-free, and results in a signed listing contract.

We teach all of these things and more in Premier and Elite Coaching.  This was a tiny piece of training about how to win when you’re on a listing appointment.  To become proficient, join coaching today for free, so you can get the help you need to succeed.


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