Back to Christy Murdock Edgar’s, Financial Timeline for New Agents in this Part II post. Remember that much of what you read in this financial timeline is consistent with what you read in Tim and Julie Harris’s newly released, expanded Harris Rules: A Real Estate Agent’s Practical, No B-S, Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Rich and Free.
Month Seven – Enlarge Your Thinking
- Now is the time to capitalize on what is working and to adjust and/or end what is not working.
- You’ll have more room in your brain to be reflective and creative.
Month Eight – Discover Your Focus
- Figure out what you like doing the most in your business and where you specific interests in the business take you.
- According to broker and coach Angela Territo, “When you figure out why you’re in (this) business, you will learn where you want to go…there are dozens of types of real estate specialties…narrowing down all those types and specialties is a good idea.”
- Determine what skill building you have to do in order to become a specialist. Territo said, “Learning is key so that you can brand yourself as an expert.” Look to NAR for specialist designations.” Look to the Residential Council for courses that would help build your expertise.
- Develop social media groups and refine your content strategy to be consistent with the niche/specialty and the target audience you want to pursue.
Month Nine – Add To and Enhance Your Education
- Seek educational opportunities that will deepen your niche expertise.
- Seek free/cost effective classes through your brokerage and/or your local realtor association to develop your skills in marketing, social median, appraisals, etc. to maximize your platform efficiency and effectiveness.
- Look into getting licensed in a neighboring state to maximize reciprocity opportunities and grow your potential farming area and sales volume.
Month Ten – Plan for Future Expenses
- Yearly license renewal, new and updated business cards, new and updated branding?
- If needing help with accounting, marketing, content writing/strategy, transaction coordination, etc. outsource those tasks to top quality people.
- You may choose to increase your marketing volume via prospecting, mailings, geographic farming, etc.
Month Eleven – Time to Scale?
- Again and again, document what is working and what is not.
- Analyze and optimize the strengths/contributions of your team members if you have team members. Do the same with your prospecting efforts, marketing efforts, branding, recruiting efforts, conversions etc.
- Consider implementing technology for more effective communications among your key people. Slack is a free tool.
Month Twelve – Cheers!!! Celebrate Your Year
- You’ve made it through the year.
- Now, do it all again to ensure you have solid short-term, long-term, future goals.
- Now, do it all again to ensure your commitments to prospecting, your enlarging sphere of influence and your financial goals are effective and meaningful.
- Now, do it all again to ensure you have a meaningful, solid online and marketing presence.
- Now, do it all again to ensure that your commitment to being of service to others is actualized.