How do you create a steady flow of referrals and repeat business? Create a twelve-month plan so you can get into action and out of planning mode.
In today's show, you’ll learn valuable tips, tricks & important strategies to follow...
How do you create a steady flow of referrals and repeat business? Create a twelve-month plan so you can get into action and out of planning mode.
In today's show, you’ll learn valuable tips, tricks & important strategies to follow...
What happened in 2019?
Time to recap, be introspective and get ready for next year...
Answer these 10 questions before you do your new Real Estate Treasure Map!
1. Where did your business come from this year? Go through every transaction and...
What is a FICO Score?
FICO is an abbreviation for the Fair Isaac Corporation, the first company to offer a credit-risk model with a score. It was founded in 1956. Kinda makes you think of a wise old economist or university...
What is a FICO Score?
FICO is an abbreviation for the Fair Isaac Corporation, the first company to offer a credit-risk model with a score. It was founded in 1956. Kinda makes you think of a wise old economist or university...
In "First Things First," Stephen Covey tells a story that one of his associates heard at a seminar.
(We originally discovered this theory at a Howard Brinton event)
The seminar presenter pulled out a wide-mouth gallon jar and placed it next...
NAR's November 12th ruling: No more pocket listings!
The ‘nickname’ of this new policy is ‘Clear Cooperation’.
What is a Pocket Listing? “A listing that is technically for sale, but NOT in the Multiple Listing Service.”
Pocket listings include private listing networks,...
Before you create your Ideal Daily Schedule, consider this question: What was your Best DAY ever in real estate? How did that happen? How can you recreate that result? Study your own success.
Want To Learn More? Text HARRIS to...
What I am about to share with you is highly personal.
When you read this... it takes about 5 minutes.... I am going to be brutally honest with you about a major mental and emotional challenge that has forced Julie...
What I am about to share with you is highly personal.
When you read this... it takes about 5 minutes.... I am going to be brutally honest with you about a major mental and emotional challenge that has forced Julie...