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With the advent of technology in the industry, the real estate yard sign is often seen as an outdated marketing method. Does anybody really call or choose an agent from a yard sign these days? Fact: Your real estate sign is a ‘moment of truth’…neighbors, agents, buyers and seller prospects are making a snap judgment on YOU based on how your sign looks! With that in mind, don’t take your sign for granted! Turn it into a mini-spoke on your lead generation wheel. We have 10 ways you can dress you sign for success and turn it into a lead generating machine!
Yesterday we touched on how powerful the real estate sign really is! It’s your mini-billboard of advertising that you can learn how to turn into a lead generating machine by changing the design elements of your sign. Too much information or not the right information will stop leads from coming to you as easily as they could.
We talked about the importance of having your personal number featured on the sign, the value in 1800HomeHotline.com, why you need to stop calling them flyers and start calling them home brochures (it matters!) and how you can maximize that IVR’s marketing opportunities.
Today we continue with Part 2 and kick off the show with something contrary to what you might have been told: QR Codes don’t work, skip them! We’ll tell you the sign statements that really gets results and give you more tips on how you can customize your sign for the rural location and the scripts you need to learn to capitalize on the leads that will be coming your way!
Listen to todays podcast and takeaway practical, tactical, things you can do right now to start making more money in your real estate business! Afterwards, start using some of these tips and then write to us and share how its working for you.