Open houses don’t work.

You’ve heard that said a bazillion times, right?  Maybe your broker said it, the seller said it, or even you said it!  You all said it for good reason too — because they don’t work when you do them the ‘old fashioned’ way.  Now, you may be thinking “What does that mean? I showed up, I ran an ad, put up the sign and then put up my feet and waited for people, and nobody came.  Not my fault, right?”  Wrong!

Let’s say you did at least a little more than that.  You were prepared with home brochures, cookies, the weather was perfect (not too nice, not too horrible) and you looked professional.  Still nothing?  We’re not just talking about being a great host.  We’re talking about learning to monetize your open house so that the results are hot leads and houses sold!  How do you take your open house from ‘old fashioned’ to overflowing with prospects?

We have the methods for making your open house a hot house of lead generation!  When you do the thing we’re telling you, the absolute bare minimum results should be one hot buyer lead and one listing appointment, and most of our members get two and three! Through our own personal experiences, the experience of our members and what we learned from some of BRAVO Tv’s agents, we have a plan for you! Where do you get started?  With your mindset!

  1. Embrace the fact that open houses (when done correctly) will work!  Expect that using this method you’re going to get a truckload of new buyer leads and lots more. Believe that you’re going to make money from this!  Need proof? One of our very own coaching clients has Open Houses as one of his 3 major lead generation spokes, does $18Million in volume per year and most of the time the open houses aren’t even his listings! What?!?!

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