Ever wondered why it is that the most successful people in the world seem to actually know how to produce the results they wish for? It’s all about their actual belief system, their ‘success strategy’. Tony Robbins examines this in his new book and says there are 7 lies that successful people tell themselves in order to succeed – and psychology agrees!

In “Unlimited Power, The New Science Of Personal Achievement“, Robbins writes:

“All I mean is that we don’t know how the world really is,” Robbins writes in his book. “We won’t know if our beliefs are true or false. What we can know, though, is if they work — if they support us, if they make our lives richer, if they make us better people, if they help us and help others.”

“So, yes, while these beliefs may or may not be true, Robbins says that they are nonetheless vital to the foundation of excellence.  We agree.  Agents who succeed actually DO think differently.  They have trained themselves to create success by believing certain key things.”

Here are Robbins’ “Seven Lies Of Success”:

  • Everything happens for a reason and purpose, and it serves us. Successful people focus on what’s possible in a situation, no matter how much negative feedback they receive. “They believe that adversity contains the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit,” he writes.
  • There is no such thing as failure. There are only results. Failure does not exist for successful people. If the outcome wasn’t what they desired, they see it as a learning opportunity. According to Robbins, “Belief in failure is a way of poisoning the mind.”
  • Whatever happens, take responsibility. High achievers believe that they create their own world and reality. Robbins says the greatest leaders have the ability to say, “It’s my responsibility. I’ll take care of it.”
  • It’s not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything. There’s a balance between use and knowledge. Robbins says that achievers “exact the essence from a situation, take out what they need, and don’t dwell on the rest.”
  • People are your greatest resource. Do you respect and appreciate your peers? People who produce outstanding results “have a sense of team, a sense of common purpose and unity,” he writes.
  • Work is play. The world’s most remarkable artists, thinkers and creators found joy in their work. Bill Gates didn’t create Microsoft because he hated software. Robbins reminds us of a wonderful quote by Mark Twain: “The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.”
  • There is no abiding success without commitment. If you’re just trying, and not committing, there’s no promise you’ll reach the end. The most successful people, says Robbins, “aren’t necessarily the best and brightest, the fastest and strongest. They’re the ones with the most commitment.”

And there you have it — a person with seriously good intuitions about personal growth, psychology and success says that these are the seven lies of success you must believe in order to achieve excellence.

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