Are you ready to finally ready to learn how to END procrastination? Of course you are. On today’s show Tim and Julie Harris share with you the next 4 points on how to overcome feeling overwhelmed. (How to end procrastination is point 7)

5) Set boundaries on your time and workload.

– Have a real schedule at least in the am.

– Make the schedule focused on 3 things that will get you the most bang for the back. If all you do the rest of the day is those 3 things you had a great day. Working out, supplements, contacts, setting appts, taking a listing, showing overt gratitude. etc.

6) Stop trying to solve others problems.

– someone has an issue make them tell you their 3 best solutions to their problem and then they tell you what they think is their best option.

– Stop being others Dr. Phil. Most people never want to be fixed but will be more than happy to take your time.

7) Challenge your perfectionism. Perfectionism is a smart way to procrastinate. Perfectionism can lead us to make tasks or projects bigger than they need to be, which can lead to procrastination and psychological distress. As things pile up, the sense of overwhelm grows, which can then lead to more procrastination and more overwhelm. Sheryl Sandberg famously said, “Done is better than perfect.” Know when “good” is “good enough” by asking yourself, “What is the marginal benefit of spending more time on this task or project?” If the answer is very little, stop where you are and be done with it. Part of this is also recognizing that we cannot do everything perfectly. Text Me: (512) 361-5121

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