Steve Black posted this story on Face Book.
Steve read a lead offer posted on a well known online site with the specs being “25% when the lead closes.” That seemed okay to him so he read further. “Seller wants ONLY a conservative/republican agent” and even though “that’s not who I am” he responded with “shameless self promotion.”
The couple agreed to his coming over, they walked the property and then sat down to discuss the process. Steve had brought along his laptop but had forgotten his portable hard drive on which he has his listing presentation. “I thought I was sunk” but he carried on.
The couple said they were interviewing several other agents, “two of them were extremely well established” but would only speak to the couple on the phone. “Maybe each of them was just TOO busy to meet them in person! but each of them “gave this couple general price impressions over the phone…unbelievable! These are like long time agents in the area. I was shocked!”
Then, in the middle of all of this, their pastor knocks on the door and wants to talk with the husband about a remodeling job so the two of the go out into the back yard. Steve stays with the wife and reiterates the main points of his presentation and then “…I pull out the listing agreement…” tells her he could post date the agreement until after they return from Arizona where they’re going to choose their new home and then husband comes back into the house.
He begins his pitch again to both husband and wife and they tell him they want to talk with another agent because “he sounded really nice on the phone.”
“At this point, I realize I know this other agent. He lives at least 40 minutes away and I live 10 minutes away so I play that card while saying I can do last minute showings and don’t mind since I live so close by.”
There’s a silence and, importantly, Steve uses that silence until the husband and wife merely look at one another. Steve then “…pushes the (listing) documents towards the husband and he asks,’where do I sign?'”
“OK, OK,” Steve writes on his Face Book page, “so I’m exited because this is the new ME! As a result of listening daily to coaching calls and the great podcasts, and NO I am not being paid to say this, this is the new ME. Before this coaching from Tim and Julie I woulda just folded at the least sign of resistance but I just hung out and said, ‘Let’s take care of this now, here I am,” and they wanted to take care of it now. In the end, it was an item on their checklist and they were glad they could check it off their list with confidence.”
Steve also offered to call the other agent to tell him “game over” and they agreed as long as he was polite. “And I was polite.”
Thanks so much Tim and Julie. Everything you teach is true if we will only use it…I’m going to have a great year!”