Tired of Small Commissions? Go Big With Luxury Sales!
Michael didn’t start out in the luxury market, and he’s in a “who you know” area that made it challenging to move into luxury. He made it work, though, and today he shares tips, strategies and techniques that agents can apply to move up in the market and put more money in their wallet.
7 Simple Steps To Listing Success
If you've always thought that the secret to taking the listing was just in the presentation, listen to these 7 simple steps that top producing agents use!
5 Habits To Implement NOW To Make This Your Best Year
re you tired of the ebb and flow in your income? Tired of being ‘busy’ but not having much to show for it? Check your daily habits. Do they reflect the person you say you are? How do habits makes you successful?
Are you Making This All-Too-Common Mistake?
In every income producing activity, energy is critical! What's the solution? Learn how to check your "temperature" to see if this all-too-common mistake is the reason you're not landing the client.
Through The Crash & Back Again
Hill survived the worst crash in real estate history and emerged to become successful once again in today’s booming up-market economy. Learn the tools, tips and techniques he uses to generate leads and convert prospects into sales.
Is Your Real Estate Business In Slow Motion?
That feeling of being in the zone — that’s your momentum, and it’s crucial to keeping you optimistic, focused, on track and productive. Let’s take a deep dive into what momentum is, how to get it and how to get it back if you lose it.
10 Steps To Eliminate Negative Thinking (Part 2)
Your job in real estate is to be of service to others, and to best achieve that, you need to stay optimistic, upbeat and proactive. That’s hard to do sometimes, and you always have to remain vigilant to ensure your work doesn’t suffer as a result.
10 Steps To Eliminate Negative Thinking (Part 1)
Today, we’re going to show you how to overcome that negativity and focus on being positive, upbeat and optimistic. You’ll witness immediate results in your career including easier communication with prospects & hearing 'yes' more often.
Leveraging Broadcast For Local Real Estate Celeb Status
We’re joined today by Matt Wagner from Radio & Television Experts — a company that leverages celebrity endorsements on radio and television to help promote agents across the U.S.
What SoloPro’s Flat-Fee Real Estate Model Means To You
Today we're discussing how SoloPro hopes to change the real estate industry with its flat-fee model for buyers and sellers, what this means for the real estate industry and how it's likely to affect agents.