Post closing follow-ups translate into new beginnings for your client – agent relationships. In successfully executing the acquisition and/or sale of your first real estate project together, both you and your client(s) have many positive things to tap into if and/or when another real estate opportunity that makes sense comes along at another point in time.

Success and all the elements that go into achieving success including the residuals of success, confidence and trust, are too valuable to simply assume, ignore or atrophy. Rather, build upon your mutual, maiden success and grow that client – agent relationship.

Who knows… your clients, their family members, their friends, their colleagues, whomever may want and need your unique attributes again and for each of you as possible partners down the road.

Here are some no-brainers you as the real estate agent can do to help foster that relationship.

1. Give your client(s) a gift to celebrate the beginnings of their lives in their new home. Give them something based upon their taste/style and/or interests, not yours, that they’ll be able to enjoy in their new home. Perhaps a great bottle of champagne or wine with your brand somewhere on the label, a great looking vase or pitcher, a smart looking cutting board, a water bowl for their dog, etc.
2. Celebrate the beginnings of their lives in their new home with a photo of them enjoying their home that you can post, only if they agree, on your social media stream.
3. Celebrate your clients’ milestones…the date the transaction closed, birthdays, anniversaries, family births, etc. If the clients are renters or landlords, make sure you know and recognize their milestones as well…eventually renters and landlords have lease expirations.
4. Handwritten notes are treasured more today than ever before. They’re more individualized, more personal, more intimate, take more time to create and to appreciate. Your clients will know that you’ve been thinking of them if you’ve physically selected, scratched out, and mailed/given them a handwritten note.
5. Make sure you include your “closed” clients in all of your holiday and/or special event parties, informational seminars and tours of interest. And make sure you encourage them to invite their friends/ family members/colleagues to attend as well.
6. Incorporate your “closed” clients onto all your distribution lists for content such as quarterly market and/or neighborhood reports, yearly sales reports, monthly newsletters. People like to be included. Give them the option of reading/not reading what you send out.
7. Occasional and individualized calls, emails and texts are always appreciated as well.

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