Grow your skills; grow your contacts; grow your confidence; grow your bottom line.

Become aHARRIS Certified Coach Affiliate® .

ThisHARRIS Certified Coach Affiliate® program is the industry’s only certified real estate affiliate training program. Developed by Tim and Julie Harris, this proprietary, copyrighted program is your key to honing your skills while simultaneously expanding your spheres of influence and recurrent revenue stream.

As aHARRIS Certified Coach Affiliate® , you’ll create your own unique ways to introduce Tim and Julie’s techniques and strategies to your real estate colleagues inside and outside your firm. You’ll have fun creating webinars and chats; you’ll step outside your “normal” real estate agent mindset of creating one-time-only, transactional deals; you’ll have the pleasure of creating opportunities for others to learn and grow; and you’ll experience the gratification of knowing that you have done your part in helping and contributing to others.

Check out what it takes to become a HARRIS Certified Coach Affiliate®.

Click Here To Join Now >>


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