After our wildly popular 4 part series about why you need to outsmart the instant offer/iBuyer programs and get started on your own, there were loads of questions about how to do just that!  Many agents had questions about the nuts and bolts of doing so, after being inspired that this is by no means an impossible feat, but rather a total paradigm shift that we must be ready for!  Today we give answers to set your mind at ease and have a step by step process to share that will get you off the ground in no time!

When thinking about all the market shifts the real estate industry has been through, you can add this to this list of major game changes.  Who died, survived or thrived was totally dependent on the action (or lack thereof) of agents and brokerages across the country.  So if you’re not already studying the models of Zillow Instant Offers, Offer Pad, or Open Door, you need to be.

Did you hear the latest numbers from Open Door?  Currently, they have 7,200 listings. That’s not even across the nation, thats in four markets: Las Vegas, Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix.  Is that statistic enough to get your entrepreneurial juices flowing?

That means its time to get started on your own IO program!  What were the FAQ we got from hundreds of your emails and responses to our series?

  1. Are Instant Offers and iBuyer programs just a fad or here to stay?
  2. Is it ethical/legal to create my own IO program, even with little experience and no funding of my own?
  3. Is it ethical/legal to create the lead generation model that you recommend, even if I will rarely actually buy the property through an iOffer?
  4. How do I get the investment money together?

Listen to todays episode as we answer these top four questions and then give you the options for taking action on your very own IO program.

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