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Fact: Technically, there are 92 Days left in this year. That’s Oct 1 to Dec 31st.
Subtract 26 days just in Saturdays and Sundays (there are 13 weekends left). This gets you to 66 days left.
Subtract 7 days for the week of Christmas and 7 days for New Year’s and you’re left with : 52 work days.
If you’re taking more than that off, subtract accordingly!
Mark your calendar for which days are WORK days to bring your FOCUS to your productivity and profit 4th quarter.
My 90-Day Massive Action Plan DATES
Begins on ____________, and ends on _____________.
Working IN my Real Estate Business.
Some MATH:
How much money must you earn the rest of the year to meet or exceed your goals?
How many listings in your current inventory will sell and close by year’s end? Are any taking a break?
How many buyers can you (mostly) count on closing before the end of the year?
What do you have pending which will close by year’s end?
Add those 3 numbers together and subtract from the amount needed to meet or exceed your financial goals and you’ll find the deficit.
Divide that by your average net commission and you’ll see how many deals you must create in order to get your goal.
1 Decide what schedule must you follow on those workdays in order to meet or exceed your goals for the final stretch. Stick to the things that drive your business. Lead Generation, Lead Follow Up, Prequalifying, Presenting, Negotiating, And Closing. If it’s not on that list, DON’T DO IT!
2 Commit to being at work when you’re at work and being at play when you’re at play. Workdays are precious during 4th quarter, so keep your priorities to appointment setting, listings taken, buyers put in contract, price reductions and extensions. Use the Real Estate Success Game to stay on track!
3 Track your numbers daily. If you are falling short on closed appointments, you’ll need to up your number of contacts. Look at the Real Estate Success Game to see what else you can be doing to take action. It’s normal this time of year to go on more appointments, do more follow up and require a higher level of focus to get the same results.
4 It’s ok if you’re the only one in the office. That’s GREAT! It means there’s more business for you with less competition. This is a fantastic time to do the following: a) reach out to at least 5 past clients or sphere daily, b) cherry pick the best Expireds and Unrepresented Sellers (FSBOs), c) market when no one else is, d) work your open house and coming soon strategies when no one else is, and e) follow up to set more appointments than you thought possible this quarter!
5 Expect to hear holiday objections earlier than you think. Be ready with : a) 4th Quarter is relocation time of year. Don’t miss out on the most motivated buyers, b) you have less competition, c) your home looks it’s best, d) fewer but better showings, e) you can control the showing activity to minimize inconvenience.
6 Expect some of your listings to want to ‘take a break’. Use the same objection handlers as previous point. They’ll have more competition if they wait until after the holidays / the Spring market, etc.
7 Accept and embrace that what you do 4th quarter largely determines your success in 1st quarter. We know for a fact that having a great first quarter is a major indicator of how the rest of your year will go. In other words, blowing off 4th quarter could trash your entire next year by slowing you down, getting you off track keeping you in a state of being behind all the time.
8 Have fun 4th quarter! This isn’t supposed to be a grind. This is the easiest month to get great at connecting and re-connecting to your client base. It’s a great time to do builder and developer outreach, to attend events. You can make more powerful contacts in less time this quarter, taking advantage of all the social opportunities you’ll have. Consider sponsoring a Toys for Tots drive or a food drive for your community. Follow our Holiday Gift Wrap project and reap the rewards for taking action! Say YES when invited to events!
9 Set aside at least 1 week prior to the New Year for your Real Estate Treasure Map! Time to complete the NEW plan before it’s already next year. Use 4th quarter as your dry run for what you want next year. Follow the schedule you’ll need, polish up your lead generation spokes and get relentless on your follow up!
10 Ask for help when you need it. You are surrounded by all of the support, motivation and tools you need. Let us get you to where you’re going faster and with less stress!
Also read: https://timandjulieharris.com/2019/09/22/challenges-of-being-a-self-employed-real-estate-professional.html, https://timandjulieharris.com/2019/09/19/podcast-7-secrets-to-selling-that-impossible-to-sell-house-listen-now.html, https://timandjulieharris.com/2019/10/03/nars-q2-2019-commercial-real-estate-trends-and-outlook.html