Happy Holidays. Listen now to today's Holiday Special Interview with Gene Frederick. Gene is on the board of directors and is the 3rd largest shareholder in EXP Realty. Gene is widely recognized as one of the most influential people...
Revived Paycheck Protection Program Outline
Key Highlights
- New Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) runs through March 31
- This is second cash infusion – you CAN get PPP relief aid in this second round
- This is all we know so far...
The Paycheck...
“At Long Last,” A Second COVID Relief Package
Key Highlights
Nearly $900B bipartisan breakthrough after months of bickering
“…far from perfect, but it will deliver emergency relief to a nation in the throes of a genuine emergency”
Summary of what...
Why are centers of influence and past clients plans so complicated? Do you really need to have a system so complicated it takes an SPACEX Rocket Scientist to understand it?. What if there was a way to generate dozens...
When you listen to today’s podcast you’re going to hear the continuation of how to build your 2021 business and life plan. On today show Tim and Julie Harris break down to the finest of details everything that you...
2021 is almost here have you completed your real estate business plan? it’s not too late if you haven’t. When you listen to today’s podcast with Tim and Julie Harris they will walk you through the first steps for...
"Time Management" isn't really Time Management. It's ENERGY management.
1. Your energy is a resource. Treat it as you do food and water. You'd never go without renewing your food or water, right? Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner / Snacks.
Thank-You For Your Continuing Support of Tim and Julie Harris' Podcast, Real Estate Coaching Radio. This podcast is recognized as the #1 Daily Podcast For The Real Estate Industry. With Nearly 10 Million Downloads (and Listens) from over 50...
Join us for today's Real Estate Coaching Radio show as Tim and Julie Harris discuss the next 3 points:
7) It is better to be exhausted from focused effort, versus being exhausted from worrying, getting ready to get started, imagining...
Your 15 Point Action Plan To Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever!
1) Train your mind to see what’s right and positive. Are you overwhelmed or are you dripping with opportunities? Are you busy or are you productive? What are...