Listen now to Tim and Julies Sunday Special Podcast. On Sundays, the show is unstructured, unscripted and anything goes. Todays focus is 2021 real estate market and housing predictions. Will the housing trends that started in 2020 continue post...
Now that Zillow is finally admitting their intentions to open competing real estate brokerages across the nation, how will you react? What can you do to prepare yourself (and your real estate business) for the inevitable change in consumer...
The real estate wars are just about to start. Consumer behavior has shifted. Traditional real estate brokerage, franchise and big teams mark the end of a long term trend in the industry. The largest brokerages/ brands have officially given...
The real estate industry is reeling now that Zillow has (finally) rolled out their own national real estate brokerage. The question is, what happens next? Listen to todays show as Tim and Julie Harris drill down on the 'Zillow...
Breaking news about Zillow becoming a national brokerage causes fear in the real estate industry. Zillow Homes, what we know: - Zillow is sending their ibuyer listings to their inhouse brokerages. - Zillow has clear aspirations to become a national brokerage. -...
Listen now to Tim and Julie Harris' Sunday Special Edition Podcast. On Sundays, anything goes. This is your chance to sit 'at the beach' with Tim and Julie as they talk about whatever is on their minds. Sometimes the...
Thank-You for joining the 10s of 1000s of real estate professionals that listen (and download) Tim and Julie Harris's Podcast every day. Massive Motivation is something most people rarely experience. The type of motivation that you can feel in...
When you listen to today’s show you will learn how to create your own, simple and powerful center of influence/ past client plan. Best part, no fancy tools, systems needed. This plan works in all markets, all market conditions....
Listen to today's show if you are ready to feel incredibly motivated about 2021 and the housing market. Tim and Julie give you 9 powerful reasons why there will be no housing crash...and, even better...why 2021 may be the...
It's a sad fact, most every new agent fails within 24 months...(and those who make it past the first 2 years often spend years struggling to find their way.) Why? Some will argue that is just how the cookie...

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