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Tag: brookhaven renovation


Renovation Reality: The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For…The Big Reveal!

We’re back with Episode 22 of Renovation Reality, hosted by Atlanta real estate expert Collette McDonald. After the house was cleansed by a medium...

Renovation Reality: Owner Issues Drop Dead Date to Contractor

We’re back with Episode 14 of Renovation Reality, hosted by Atlanta real estate expert Collette McDonald. During last week’s edition, viewers were asked to...

Renovation Reality: Going Off-Site and Interactive, YOU Choose the Finishes!

We’re back with Episode 10 of Renovation Reality, hosted by Atlanta real estate expert, Collette McDonald.  Last week, when we left our Brookhaven renovation,...

Renovation Reality: Time To Do Some Heavy Lifting!

We're back with Episode 9 of Renovation Reality, hosted by Atlanta real estate expert, Collette McDonald.  Last week, when we left our Brookhaven renovation,...

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