Your 12-Month Lead Generation Plan (Part 3)

It’s fall, and a lot of agents start to slow down this time of year — but trust me when I tell you that there huge opportunities out there in your market, so don’t use the upcoming holiday season as an excuse to take the winter off.

Podcast: How To Finally STOP Procrastinating And Take MASSIVE Action. |...

It happens all too easily and all too frequently, we become complacent. When you become complacent you stop doing the things that are necessary...

Are Rich People Happier? (You Might Be Surprised)

Is money "the root of all evil", or are rich people actually happier and more well-adjusted? Join award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris as we discuss a new study that dispells the myths about being rich, and get sage advice on how to continue your path to riches in today's real estate market.

Part 2: How To Become A Listing Agent NOW (Break The...

Part 2 of How To Become A Listing Agent NOW! On today's show Tim and Julie Harris will share with you their exclusive Real...

Breaking News: Is This The END OF ZILLOW?

Breaking News! ListHub will be cutting off the flow of new listings to Zillow effective April 7th, which could be the beginning of the end for real estate's largest listing portal.

How to Be a Confident Listing Agent

You've got to list to last - but for many agents, the thought of becoming a listing agent leads to a lot of anxiety! Yes, being a listing agent is different than working with buyers - it requires a lot of mental labor instead of the physical work that you're used to.

Podcast: Exclusive David Kurz Interview | Why Legendary Broker Joins EXP...


Podcast: 12 Month Center of Influence Expansion Plan! (Part 2)

How do you create a steady flow of referrals and repeat business? Create a twelve-month plan so you can get into action and out...

Podcast: 5 Reasons To FIRE Your Broker | How To Hire...

Hi, What I am about to share with you is highly personal. When you read this... it takes about 5 minutes.... I am going to be...

Your Make Money Now Open House Plan!

Top 5 Reasons to Love Open Houses  1 Yes, serious buyers DO go to open houses. In fact, 20% of them are going to open...

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