Price Reductions: The Bottom Dollar Script You Won’t Believe!

Today we're going to be providing you with a key script to get down to your seller's bottom without causing friction in the process. Use this script to learn how to turn your sitting duck listing into a super star sale!

Price Reductions: The Have-To-Sell Script You Have To Know!

The difference in seller motivation is what determines your approach to discussing a price-reduction. Both types want to sell, but understanding their actual seller need & timeframe makes a giant difference!

Price Reductions: The Powerful Script That Packs A PUNCH!

Learn the nitty-gritty details on how to get to the right price and what to say when the market doesn't respond to your listing - and get a powerful price-reduction script to avoid upsetting your client while helping them align their pricing with market expectations.

Do You Have Low Mo, Medium Mo, or Super Mo?

When was your last best day in real estate? What caused that? Chances are you were on fire. You were on top of things mentally, emotionally, spiritually and you were in THE ZONE. Today we're discussing momentum, and what it means for your career!

Your 12 Biggest Questions About Real Estate Success!

If you're doubtful, struggling, or wondering if you can be in this business; what you're doing thats helping or hurting, listen on to the Top 12 questions we get asked all the time. You're not alone!

Mat Arruda Skyrockets To Real Estate Success!

In less than 1 year in coaching, Mat Arruda has more than doubled his average sale price and is on track to close 100 deals and $20 Million dollars in real estate sold in 2016. Look out New Bedford, there's a new Superstar in town!

Your 5 Step Plan To Getting BIG Price Reductions!

You knew the list price was high. The buyers came, but didn't make any offers. You know that its time for a price reduction. Did you take the necessary steps in advance to ensure you'd get a good reduction? Today we talk about how to set the stage for a future price reduction...

4 Price Reduction Rules: What To Say When The Price ISN’T...

Make these 4 reduction rules part of your arsenal and use them confidently to get the results you want and the sale the sellers needs!

7 Simple Steps To Listing Success!

If you've always thought that the secret to taking the listing was just in the presentation, listen to these 7 simple steps that top producing agents all over the country have been using, and turn those leads into listings!

3 Shocking New Real Estate Headlines!

Today we're discussing big, industry-changing headlines that will transform the way you operate your business for the rest of the year and what you need to know in order to make it in this changing market.

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