Are you an Active Agent or a Passive Agent? Take the...

Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss being active vs. passive in your career, and the difference that it makes to your...

Fear of Loss..Pleasure of Gain..What Motivates YOU?

What are the big motivators that drive you forward in business? Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the role of motivation...

Don’t Be A Secret Agent!

"Secret agents have skinny kids" - that's Julie's anecdote for why you shouldn't hide what you do. Be proud of being a real estate...

Agent Tech Secrets: Your Website, The Search Engines & Zillow

Now that Zillow & Trulia dominate internet search, it's changed the playing field for agent websites. Today we're going to discuss some website fundamentals,...

Top 4 Career-Ending Reasons Why Agents Fail

Join Tim & Julie Harris in a discussion of some of the top career-ending blunders that real estate agents make, based on real-life examples...

Smart Real Estate Teams VS. Dumb Real Estate Teams

Success leads to growth, but when it comes to building a team you have to be careful. Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie...

Proven Powerful Lead Generation Systems That Work

Do you need more leads? Of course you do! In this episode, award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris proven, effective lead-generation systems...

Agent Tech Secrets: What “The Cloud” Means For Agents

The buzzword these days is "The Cloud" - everything's going there, and you should be there too - but why? For agents, what are...

Tim & Julie’s Private List Of Approved Vendors

Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss real estate news & events, take listener calls, and provide coaching advice based on 20...

Your Second Half Plan: June to December

Do you have a plan for the second half of 2014? Tim & Julie Harris discuss seasonal market changes and how it affects the...

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