Open Houses: Lead-Generating, Cash-Producing Secrets & Tips
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss open-houses, and share tips, tricks, and insider secrets on how to successfully host an open-house...
The Fastest Way To MAKE MONEY NOW!
Before you can develop a long-term strategy, you need to simply survive - in this episode, Tim & Julie Harris give you proven steps...
Are YOU afraid of coming off as ‘TOO PUSHY’?
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss whether being a pushy salesperson is a virtue or not - and "how pushy is...
Stop Focusing on UNITS (Focus on DOLLARS)
Selling units is a tempting way to measure your production, but the best way to increase your income is a focus on dollars. Quit...
Agent Tech Secrets: Why Local Search Matters
Today we're going to be talking about local search, citation sites, and why these emerging portals are probably more important to your real estate...
Why Aren’t YOU Rich (Yet)? Learn to DO what RICH people...
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on taking action -...
Why Aren’t YOU Rich (Yet)? Learn to WORK like RICH people...
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on how rich people...
Why Aren’t YOU Rich (Yet)? Learn to INVEST like RICH people...
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on how rich people...
Why Aren’t YOU Rich (Yet)? Learn to SAVE like RICH people...
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on how rich people...
Influence & Persuasion: Getting People To Say “Yes”
Today we're going to discuss some basic principles of persuasion and along with practical examples that you can use to improve your salesmanship. These...