Fact: Technically, there are 118 Days left in this year. Subtract 30 days just in Saturdays and Sundays (there are 15 weekends left).  This gets you to 88 days left. Subtract 7 days for the week of Christmas and 7 days...
Is the market going to crash? Recent stories on CNBC and Bloomberg say yes - and they're not being coy about it. Bloomberg was especially upfront titling their story "The U.S. Housing Market Looks Headed for Its Worst Slowdown in...
What if you knew for sure that that 12 months from now everything in the real estate business will be completely different? In today's show, we'll be discussing the steps to take NOW to ensure that your real estate...
What if you knew for sure that that 12 months from now everything in the real estate business will be completely different? In today's show, we'll be discussing the steps to take NOW to ensure that your real estate...
What if you could learn the critical lessons of real estate from the agents & brokers who came before you? You can! As coaches, we talk to agents across the spectrum of career experience, and we've gathered 14 critical...
Is the market going to crash? On yesterday's show we cited data from CNBC, and in today's show we're discussing "The U.S. Housing Market Looks Headed for Its Worst Slowdown in Years" - published today on Bloomberg. "A slew of...
The market is crashing in Southern California & slowing nationwide. "Sales of both new and existing houses and condominiums dropped 11.8 percent year over year, as prices shot up to a record high", said CNBC, "it's a warning sign...
Are you on-track to success? How do you know? Today, we’re discussing the early warning signs that point to future success or failure in real estate – those little clues that you’re probably overlooking. We’re going to be drilling...
Today we're continuing our discussion 7 key Pitfalls to Wealth Creation that threaten your path to career success in real estate! We're going to start out with the big ones: Lack of understanding that your business exists to create...
We've already introduced you to the benefits of becoming a HARRIS Certified Coach Affiliate® - and the response has been overwhelming! Today we're going to drill down into HOW and WHY you should get involved in this program, and how becoming a certified...

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