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Tag: mindset

The Problem with Perfect and How It’s Hurting You

We all want to do put our best foot forward, try our hardest and do everything in our power to "make things right."  Perfectionists,...

Who’s the Boring Person in Your Circle? Check to Make Sure...

Are you required to lead a life filled with wild adventures in order to be interesting?  Must you be constantly seeking out new places...

Quality, Not Quantity: Top Performers Know No Age

Satchel Paige probably said it best..."Age is a case of mind over matter.  If you don't mind, it don't matter." Age, it turns out, is...

Meeting Musical Chairs: The Seats That Get You What You Want

Just as your body language reveals a boatload of information about you before you even speak, where you choose to sit at a meeting/negotiating/closing...

Automatic Thoughts? Take Your Mind Off Autopilot says Dr. Henry Cloud

When it comes to thinking about myriad topics – form your real estate business right down to the shoes you are considering – your...

What Are You Waiting For? What You Lose by Procrastinating

Think for a couple of seconds about the kinds of tasks you put off and/or wait for the last possible minute to do.  Is...

Podcast: The Question to Address for Market Success: What Would You...

Most of the country’s real estate market is flying high!  Prices are rising, sellers are making a killing and buyers are rushing the marketplace to...

How to Guarantee Your Un-Success (7 Things to Avoid!)

Ever become overwhelmed with the reams of books and advice columns about how to become successful?  There seem to be so many things to...

The #1 Quality You Need to Develop in Order to Never...

Being optimistic, having a positive expectation about succeeding, having the toughness and elasticity to bounce back after a problem or setback to attain success,...

Podcast: The Mindset, Math & Motivation You Need to Make the...

One of our favorite topics to talk about with our loyal listeners is mindset.  But, not how you’re normally used to hearing about it....

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