30 Life Lessons You Must Learn (Part 4)
Real estate is a large, diverse field full of valuable lessons for agents. Make the right choices, and you’ll reap the rewards of unparalleled success; choose poorly, and you risk losing money or possibly being forced out of the industry entirely.
30 Life Lessons You Must Learn (Part 3)
Experience matters, which is why more experienced agents earn more. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your own experience, though. If you’re open and receptive to the life experiences that other agents share with you, you can avoid some of the more difficult lessons
Why You Should Become A Full-Time Agent (Part 2)
Today we’re continuing our discussion of what it truly means to transition from part-time to full-time agent, as well as the steps you must take to ensure a smooth, easy transition
Why You Should Become A Full-Time Agent
If you’ve seen the potential for higher income from the part-time deals you’ve done and want more –now is the time to get started!
30 Life Lessons You Must Learn (Part 2)
Today, we’re continuing our discussion of 30 life lessons in real estate, provided from our own experience as top-producing agents, as well as from coaching thousands of agents over our careers.
30 Life Lessons You Must Learn
Today we’re exploring 30 crucial life lessons you can learn from our experience, and from the experience of thousands of agents we’ve coached over the years.
Making The Right Choices For Unlimited Real Estate Success
Small choices add up to big results, if you’re not making the right ones, you could be in trouble. It’s easy to lapse into patterns of lazy, short-term thinking that lead to less-than-stellar results.
Need More Leads? Improve Your Prospecting!
In today’s episode, we're going to discuss valuable techniques to improve your real estate prospecting skills, which will help you make it through the lean months to the spring buying season — and earn even more money once you get there.
10 Ways to Make This Your Best Year Ever! (Part 2)
Today we’re continuing our discussion of proven, practical steps that you can take to make 2016 the best year ever. If you feel any uncertainty about how you’ll exceed last year’s production in the next 12 months, then tune in to today’s show.
10 Ways to Make This Your Best Year Ever!
Today we’re going to help you get up to speed in 2016 with 10 proven ways that you can renew your focus, motivation and passion for real estate in the new year.