Tag: real estate coaching
Which Markets Give Buyers More Bang for Their Bucks?
Currently, an American homeowner pays an average of $123/square foot for a house across the country. BUT, there is no “average” price per square...
Best Places To Buy Winter Rental Properties
Vacasa recently released its top winter rental properties after crunching the numbers on some 500,00 properties. Vacasa ranked these winter properties by respective capitalization...
Population Growth in the South and West Driving Up New Home...
Thanks to population growth, the demand for newly constructed homes in Texas and Florida is surging. With Texas adding 367,000 new residents and Florida...
Podcast: Puerto Rico Earth Quake | Tim and Julie Harris
5 things we learned living through...
1. Earthquakes are assholes, especially at 4:30am.
2. People have differing degrees of tolerance to both perceived and...
How Many New Homes Were Built in the 2010’s?
Despite the long-term effects of the housing crisis and the shortage of construction labor and materials, nearly 7M single-family homes were built in the...
Silicon Valley’s Newest Rival – The Hudson in NYC
There is a rush of West Coast tech companies expanding in New York City. Even before leases are signed, the powers that be at...
Inman’s Guide to 2020, 2025, 2030 and Beyond – Part III
Wrapping up this overview of Inman’s Essential Guide to 2020, 2025, 2030 and Beyond, let’s look at Inman’s forecasting for the real estate industry...
Podcast: What To Expect In 2020? 10 Key Points! (Part 3)
6 Millennial buyers: According to year end reports for 2019, 37% of home buyers were actually millennials. The greatest difference with these buyers is...
Prices Nearly Double for Low-Tier Homes & Sink for Lux Homes...
The latest CoreLogic Home Price Index (HPI) tells us national home prices rose +3.7% in November 2019. CoreLogic also anticipates that home prices will...
Inman’s Guide to 2020, 2025, 2030 and Beyond – Part II
In continuing to examine some of InmanNews’ forecast for the housing industry in its Essential Guide to 2020, 2025, 2030 and Beyond, let’s dial...