Michael Gordon on new-school success in old-money markets (Part 2)

We’re joined today by Michael Gordon, from Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox & Roach Realtors, serving the Philadelphia metro area. His team has achieved over $1.25 billion in career sales, and exceeded $159 million in 2014 annual sales

Your Daily Minimum Standards For Superstar Success (Part 2)

Today we're continuing our discussion of daily minimum standards - that laundry list of action items that you need to be doing every single day to ensure that you have a steady stream of new business coming in the door.

Why Most Agents Retire Broke (Or Never Retire At All!)

Nearly everyone starts their career with the idea of planning, saving, and retiring early. Can you name one person who's said, "I want to work until I die"? You can avoid this if you make a conscious decision to take action.

Your Daily Minimum Standards For Superstar Success

What do the superstars do differently? One key difference is superstar agents have daily minimum standards that they adhere to strictly

How To Go From Part-Time Agent To Full-Time Superstar (Part 3)

If you're successful enough doing real estate part-time that you're thinking about making it your career, then you should realize what a blessing this is in your life. Whether or not you decide to go full-time is completely up to you.

How To Go From Part-Time Agent To Full-Time Superstar (Part 2)

If you're on the fence about moving from part-time to full-time real estate, then listen to today's episode as we continue our discussion of how to effectively transition into a full-time real estate career without undermining your financial stability.

How To Go From Part-Time Agent To Full-Time Superstar

Many part-time agents are happy to keep full-time jobs, but many more have done the math & realized that their income potential is far greater if they transition into real estate full-time.

Steve Pacinelli: Building Relationships Through Video

We're joined today by Steve Pacinelli, Vice-President of Strategic Marketing for Bomb Bomb, a software & communications company that prides itself of building “relationships...

Brent Flewelling: How To Close 100 Deals In A Year

Brent’s focus is on customer service and results-based real estate, and he’s just passed 100 closings this year, with many more in his sales pipeline due before the end of the year.

Real Estate & The Battle Between Good & Evil (Part 2)

If you indulge yourself in selfish, superficial pursuits then you'll push others away, but if you focus on productive, service-oriented goals that help others, then it will be an attractor that draws others towards you and ultimately benefits your life & career.

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