So you want to grow your business? Today's show is all about 10 great places where you can hire reliable, affordable Real Estate Virtual Assistants for virtually any task in your business, and we're going to discuss how to...
Before you can develop a long-term strategy, you need to simply survive - in this episode, Tim & Julie Harris give you proven steps to make money now in real estate - giving you some liquidity to work with...
Selling units is a tempting way to measure your production, but the best way to increase your income is a focus on dollars. Quit pushing yourself to move numbers that don't count, and learn why it saves time &...
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on taking action - and why it's an important part of your wealth building process too.
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on how rich people work - and why it's an important part of your wealth building process too.
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on how rich people invest - and why it's an important part of your wealth building process too.
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss the principles of building wealth in real estate, with a focus on how rich people save - and why it's an important part of your wealth building process too.
Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris discuss being active vs. passive in your career, and the difference that it makes to your real estate income. So are you truly a active, or is something holding you back?...
"Secret agents have skinny kids" - that's Julie's anecdote for why you shouldn't hide what you do. Be proud of being a real estate agent, and market yourself whenever possible. Join award-winning real-estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris to...
Join Tim & Julie Harris in a discussion of some of the top career-ending blunders that real estate agents make, based on real-life examples from our real estate coaching members. It's not your fault! Not all of these blunders...

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