Tim and Julie Harris lead the charge for having proper etiquette in business and in life. Lead the way by setting the example. 34.  Take at least 30 minutes to half a day before reacting to a snarky email, text or...
Tim and Julie Harris podcasting to help you create your very own amazing podcast! Remember, we're modeling our coaching on today's podcast using our own as the 'case study'... Facts: Real Estate Coaching Radio IS: * #1 Listened to podcast for real estate...
Tim and Julie Harris de-mystify the process of creating, promoting and monetizing your very own podcast! The best way to show you the way is to use Real Estate Coaching Radio as our 'case study'.  You're all familiar with our...
67% Increase In Foreclosures as Covid Forbearances Come To an End. Tim and Julie Harris explain why that headline is NOT the early warning sign you think it is. Find out the facts behind the numbers. What's really happening out there...
Tim and Julie Harris show you what matters and what doesn't for your own Social Media Blueprint.  Complete with practical and actionable homework! Which Social Media Sites Should You Care About?  The Top 15 Social Media Sites and Apps by Active...
Improve your communication skills both In Real Live and on Social. | Tim and Julie Harris help you to create your plan, using key skills... * TED Talks is full of great talks on communication. Some of our favorites: “The...
Here is Part 2 of Your 2022 Social Media Blueprint: C) Build a social media content calendar and stick to it. *Refer to our recent podcast, ‘Monday to Friday Social Media System’. -Market Update Mondays -Coming Soon Tuesdays -Wanted Wednesdays -Thrilled Client Thursdays -Upcoming Events Fridays...
Tim and Julie Harris demystify the pieces and parts which must work together for your Social Media presence to be successful. Part 1: COMMUNICATION A) Communication is key.  This is what social media actually is…it’s an additional way to communicate with your friends, center...
Tim and Julie Harris make it simple for you in this podcast about how to systematize and monetize your social media posts: Rules: Provide VALUE with each post,  and include a CALL TO ACTION. Keep it simple. Don't over-engineer. Don't pay someone else to...
Take the 3 x 4 challenge.  3 meet-ups per week for 4 weeks. Use meetup.com to find what interests you or re-engage in the things you used to do or know you enjoy to meet more people! Be yourself first, be...

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