How To Think Big In A World That Wants To Keep...

Tim and Julie Harris challenge you to think bigger in today's podcast! 10x your thinking. If you can pay your bills on 1 deal every month,...

How To Think Big In A World That Wants To Keep...

Tim and Julie Harris bring you some new thoughts on how to think big! Complete with homework along the way... Be ok wanting things.  Embrace the...

How To Think Big In A World That Wants To Keep...

Tim and Julie Harris show you how to think bigger. How do you know you're thinking too small? A powerful discussion about what to...

How To Think Big In A World That Wants To Keep...

1 - Avoid oversharing: Never share your goals with anyone: The more people you tell, the less likely you are to accomplish your goal. ...

Secret Speaking Powers | Do People WANT to Listen to You?...

Eliminate these linguistic foibles 1 - The Up-Swing.  Ending declarative sentences with a question mark.  Not only is this grammatically incorrect, it creates discomfort from...

Secret Speaking Powers | Do People WANT to Listen to You?...

Keeping it real with upgrading your conversations! Harris Rules for better presentation and communication: (Practical and tactical!) 1 - Eliminate the use of I, me, my or...

Secret Speaking Powers | Do People WANT to Listen to You?...

Tim and Julie Harris continue the series about becoming someone that others want to listen to... What speaking sins are you committing and how...

Secret Speaking Powers | Do People Want to Listen to You?

The most important tool you have in real estate and in life is your voice. Build good habits and delete the old ones that...

Why Do Most Past Client Plans Fail? (Part 4) | Cure...

Take the 3 x 4 challenge.  3 meet-ups per week for 4 weeks. Use to find what interests you or re-engage in the things you...

Why Do Most Past Client And Center Of Influence Plans Fail?...

Tim and Julie Harris show you how to stop being weird about talking to people in your database! If you could choose your next listing,...

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